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File a complaint

Privacy notice

All personal information created, held or collected by this department is protected under the Privacy Act. This means that you will be informed of the purpose for which it is being collected and how to exercise your right of access to that information. You will be asked for your consent where appropriate.

Read the full notice

The form below is for complaints only. If you have a question, please make an enquiry.
More information on complaints

Please select the phrase which applies to your situation: (required)

I am making this complaint on my own behalf.
I am making this complaint on behalf of someone else.
I am making this complaint anonymously.

What is an estate file number?

A reference number that appears on all official documents filed with the OSB. Also commonly called an “estate number.”

Yes, and I have the estate file number(s)
Yes, but I do not know the estate file number(s)

Upload file(s):
Please attach any supporting documentation regarding your complaint.
(Maximum size of 15 MB.)

Upon filing your complaint, please be advised of the following:

When the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (OSB) needs to contact other parties (e.g., Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT), bankrupt, creditor) to investigate the concerns put forward, the information you have provided will be shared with them. In accordance with the principles of procedural fairness and the provisions of the Privacy Act, the OSB will share the complaint received with the party against whom the complaint has been lodged and, in some cases, with the LIT administering the estate. Your identity will also be disclosed. Once the complaint has been reviewed, the OSB will share its findings with all of the parties involved.

The OSB will respond to a complaint within 30 days of the date it is received. For more complex complaints, the OSB may require more time to address the issues raised. If this is the case with your complaint, you will be notified within the 30-day period.

Would you like the OSB to follow-up with you concerning your complaint?

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