August 5, 2022
Some of the information on this Web page has been provided by external sources. The Government of Canada is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information supplied by external sources. Users wishing to rely upon this information should consult directly with the source of the information. Content provided by external sources is not subject to official languages, privacy and accessibility requirements.
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Comments received (Zipped Folder, 19.5mb, 59 documents)
Provided by:
- Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan (APAS)
- Alberta Municipalities
- Beanfield Technologies
- Canada Deaf Grassroots Movement
- Canadian Association of the Deaf
- Canadian Communication Systems Alliance (CCSA)
- Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA)
- Canadian Public Safety Operations Organization (CanOps)
- Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association
- City of Calgary
- City Managers and Chief Administrative Officers of Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and Halifax
- Cogeco Inc.
- Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS)
- Competitive Network Operators of Canada (CNOC)
- Consumers Council of Canada (CCC)
- Cybera
- Data On Tap
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing Coalition (DHH Coalition)
- Conseil provincial du secteur des communications (CPSC)
- Eastlink Inc.
- Electricity Canada
- Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) - Brampton, Durham, Halton, Hamilton, Mississauga, Oakville, Peel, Toronto and York
- Independent Telecommunications Providers Association (ITPA)
- Individuals (1,633)
- Iristel
- Kris Joseph (Digital Scholarship Librarian York University Libraries) & Michael B. McNally (Assistant Professor, University of Alberta)
- McCarthy Tétrault LLP
- Municipal Information Systems Association of Canada (MISA/ASIM Canada)
- National Capital FreeNet
- OpenMedia
- Public Interest Advocacy Center (PIAC)
- Public Safety Broadband Network (PSBN) Innovation Alliance
- Rogers Communications Inc.
- Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA)
- Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM)
- SaskTel
- SSI Canada
- TekSavvy Solutions Inc.
- Telus Communications Inc.
- TerreStar Solutions Inc.
- The Canadian Federation of Agriculture
- Toronto Police Services (TPS)
- Vaxination Informatique
- Xplornet