Some of the information on this Web page has been provided by external sources. The Government of Canada is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information supplied by external sources. Users wishing to rely upon this information should consult directly with the source of the information. Content provided by external sources is not subject to official languages, privacy and accessibility requirements.
Certification bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development to certify equipment to Canadian radiocommunication and/or broadcasting requirements.
Click here for the ISED Company number.
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status AMERICAN CERTIFICATION BODY, INC. (ACB)
313 Park Avenue, Suite 300, Falls Church, VA
UNITED STATES 22046Company Number: 4004A
Contact: Mike Violette
mikev@acbcert.comUS0101 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
ANAB ISO/IEC 17025:2017
ANAB ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2025-12-01) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status BAY AREA COMPLIANCE LABORATORIES, CORP. (BACL)
1274 Anvilwood Avenue
Sunnyvale CA
UNITED STATES 94089Company Number: 3062A
Contact: Lisa Tang
lisat@baclcorp.comUS0057 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 6: Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control
- SCOPE B: All Broadcasting Equipment Technical Standards (BETS) in the Category I Equipment Standards
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2026-09-30) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status BUREAU VERITAS CONSUMER PRODUCTS SERVICES, INC.
One Distribution Center Circle, Suite #1 Littleton, MA 01460,
UNITED STATESCompany Number: 4842A
Contact: Ryan McGann
ryan.mcgann@bureauveritas.comUS0106 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 6: Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2026-09-30) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status CETECOM, INC.
411 Dixon Landing Road
Milpitas CA
UNITED STATES 95035Company Number: 3462B
Contact: Jeff Klinger
Jeff.Klinger@cetecom.comUS0187 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2025-12-31) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status CKC CERTIFICATION SERVICES, LLC.
5046 Sierra Pines Drive
Mariposa CA
UNITED STATES 95338Company Number: 8302A
Contact: Steve Behm
steve.behm@ckc.comUS0103 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2027-03-31) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status COMMUNICATIONS CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT CENTER
194, Sinam-ro, Seolsung-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do. 17413
KOREACompany Number: 25158
Contact: Byungjun Kang
iyyaggi@korea.krKR1000 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 6: Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control
RRA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
RRA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2026-10-11) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status COMPLIANCE TESTING, LLC.
1724 S. Nevada Way
Mesa AZ
UNITED STATES 85204Company Number: 2044A
Contact: Michael Schafer
ms@compliancetesting.comUS0122 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
ANAB ISO/IEC 17025:2017
ANAB ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2026-12-01) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status CETECOM ADVANCED GmbH
Untertürkheimer Str. 6-10
D-66117 Saarbrücken
GERMANYCompany Number: 3462C
Contact: Gerald Schmidt - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 6: Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control
- SCOPE B: All Broadcasting Equipment Technical Standards (BETS) in the Category I Equipment Standards
DAkkS ISO/IEC 17025:2018
DAkkS ISO/IEC 17065:2013
(2026-08-01) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status DEKRA Testing and Certification S.A.U.
Parque Tecnologico de Andalucia C/ Severo Ochoa 2, 29590 Campanillas Malaga
SPAINCompany Number: 4621A
Contact: Ricardo Orejas Rodriguez
ricardo.orejas@dekra.comES1909 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
ENAC ISO/IEC 17025:2017
ENAC ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2026-02-23) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status DERYCOM CERTIFICATION SERVICES, INC.
1100 Falcon Avenue, Glencoe, MN
UNITED STATES 55336Company Number: 33116
Contact: Haiyan Liu
haiyan_liu@derycom-us.comUS0243 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2026-12-01) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
6775 NE
Evergreen Parkway, Suite 400
Hillsboro OR
UNITED STATES 97124Company Number: 3496A
Contact: Elliot Martinez
elliot.martinez@element.comUS0017 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2025-06-30) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status ELEMENT MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY WARWICK, LTD.
Unit 1 Pendle Place
Skelmersdale, West Lancashire
UNITED KINGDOM WN8 9PNCompany Number: 3483A
Contact: Richard White
richard.white@element.comUK1321 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices.
UKAS ISO/IEC 17025:2017
UKAS ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2028-10-31) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status ELEMENT MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY WASHINGTON DC LLC (formerly PCTEST)
7185 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia MD
UNITED STATES 21046Company Number: 2451A
Contact: Nima Molaei
nima.molaei@element.comUS0110 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 6: Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2026-05-31) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status ELITE ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, INC.
1516 Centre Circle
Downers Grove IL
UNITED STATES 60515Company Number: 2987A
Contact: Richard King
reking@elitetest.comUS0107 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2025-06-30) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status EUROFINS PRODUCT SERVICE GmbH
Storkower Strasse 38c
15526 Reichenwalde
GERMANYCompany Number: 3470A
Contact:Robert Kschiwan-Kaspar
rkk@eurofins.deDE0004 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
DAkkS ISO/IEC 17025:2018
DAkkS ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2026-06-29) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status HCT AMERICA, INC.
1726 Ringwood Ave
San Jose, CA
UNITED STATES 95131Company Number: 11081A
Contact: Youngnam Koh
ynkoh@hctamerica.comUS0189 - RADIO SCOPE 1 : Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 6: Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2026-10-31) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES NA, INC. (ITS)
70 Codman Hill Road
Boxborough MA
UNITED STATES 01719Company Number: 2042A
Contact: Paul Moliski
paul.moliski@intertek.comUS0091 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
- SCOPE B: All Broadcasting Equipment Technical Standards (BETS) in the Category I Equipment Standards List
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2026-06-30) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status LABTEST CERTIFICATION, INC.
3128-20800 Westminster Hwy
Richmond, BC, V6V 2W3
CANADACompany Number: 5970A
Contact: Kavinder Dhillon
kdhillon@labtestcert.comCA5970 - RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
ANAB ISO/IEC 17025:2017
SCC ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2024-09-17) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status LGAI TECHNOLOGICAL CENTER, S.A. (APPLUS)
Ronda de la Font del Carme, s/n
08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona
SPAINCompany Number: 5766A
Contact: Francisca Asensio Ferreira
elabscert@applus.comES0001 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
ENAC ISO/IEC 17025:2017
ENAC ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2026-02-02) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status EUROFINS ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC TESTING NA, INC.
914 West Patapsco Avenue
Baltimore MD
UNITED STATES 21230Company Number: 2043A
Contact: Cynthia Chadwell
EENAQuality@cpt.eurofinsus.comUS0109 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2025-03-31) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status MiCOM LABS
575 Boulder Court
Pleasanton CA
UNITED STATES 94566Company Number: 4143A
Contact: Gordon Hurst
certification@micomlabs.comUS0159 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2025-11-30) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status NEMKO NORTH AMERICA INC.
303 River Road
Ottawa ON
CANADA K1V 1H2Company Number: 21893
Contact: Vina Kerai
vina.kerai@nemko.comCA2040 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 6: Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control
ANAB ISO/IEC 17025:2017
SCC ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2027-11-24) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status NORTH AMERICAN EMC CERTIFICATION SERVICES INC.
24889 Ferguson Avenue
Maple Ridge, B.C.
CANADACompany Number: 5595B
Contact: Sandy Cheng
sandy.cheng@nacsemc.comCA0100 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 6: Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control
- SCOPE B: All Broadcasting Equipment Technical Standards (BETS) in the Category I Equipment Standards List
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2026-05-31) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status PHOENIX TESTLAB GmbH
Königswinkel 10 D-32825
GERMANYCompany Number: 3469A
Contact: Holger Bentje
bentje.holger@phoenix-testlab.deDE0003 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 6: Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control
- SCOPE B: All Broadcasting Equipment Technical Standards (BETS) in the Category I Equipment Standards List
DAkkS ISO/IEC 17025:2018
DAkkS ISO/IEC 17065:2013
(2026-08-01) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status QAI LABORATORIES LTD
3980 North Fraser Way Burnaby, BC, V5J 5K5
CANADACompany Number: 9543A
Contact: Alireza Nezam
anezam@qai.orgCA9543 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
SCC ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2025-05-26) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status SGS NORTH AMERICA, INC.
620 Old Peachtree Road, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024
UNITED STATESCompany Number: 9984A
Contact: Dustin Oaks
dustin.oaks@sgs.comUS0186 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2026-02-28) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status SPORTON INTERNATIONAL (USA) INC.
1175 Montague Expressway
Milpitas, CA
UNITED STATES 95035Company Number: 24748
Contact: Vincent Lam
QA25@sporton-usa.comUS0207 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 6: Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2026-11-30) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status KIWA NEDERLAND B.V.
Wilmersdorf 50 7327 AC, Apeldoorn,
NETHERLANDSCompany Number: 4173A
Contact: Willem Jan Jong
willem.jan.jong@kiwa.comNL0001B - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 6: Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control
- SCOPE B: All Broadcasting Equipment Technical Standards (BETS) in the Category I Equipment Standards List
RvA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
RvA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2026-01-01) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status TIMCO ENGINEERING, INC.
13146 NW 86th Drive, Suite 400, Alachua, FL 32615
UNITED STATESCompany Number: 2056A
Contact: Bruno Clavier
bruno.clavier@industrial-ia.comUS0111 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
- SCOPE B: All Broadcasting Equipment Technical Standards (BETS) in the Category I Equipment Standards List
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2025-12-31) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status TÜV AUSTRIA GMBH
Deutschtrasse 10, A-1230
Vienna AUSTRIACompany Number: 2932Q
Contact: Wilhelm Seier
sew@tuv.atAT0001 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 6: Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control
AA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
AA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2027-12-14) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status TÜV RHEINLAND OF NA, INC.
1279 Quarry Lane, Suite A
Pleasanton, CA
UNITED STATES 94566Company Number: 2932M
Contact: Richard Decker
rdecker@us.tuv.comUS0185 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2027-02-28) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status TÜV SÜD America Inc.
401 Edgewater Place, Suite #500
Wakefield, MA
UNITED STATES 01880Company Number: 4175A
Contact: William Elliott
william.elliott@tuvsud.comUS0200 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2025-11-30) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status TÜV SÜD BABT
Octagon House Concorde Way
Segensworth North, Fareham, Hampshire
UNITED: KINGDOM PO15 5RLCompany Number: 6909A
Contact: Mark Pope
mark.pope@tuvsud.comUK0172 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
UKAS ISO/IEC 17025:2017
UKAS ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2025-12-31) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status TÜV SÜD PSB PTE, LTD.
15 International Business Park, TUV SUD @ IBP 609937
SINGAPORECompany Number: 3748A
Contact: Tan Swee Yin
swee-yin.tan@tuvsud.comSGAP02 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
SAC ISO/IEC 17025:2017
SAC ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2026-08-13) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status UL VERIFICATION SERVICES, INC.
47173 Benicia Street
Fremont CA
UNITED STATES 94538Company Number: 2324A
Contact: Mark Briggs
mark.briggs@ul.comUS0104 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 6: Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
ANAB ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2025-12-01) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status UL INTERNATIONAL (UK) LTD
Unit 1 - 3, Horizon,
Kingsland Business Park,
Wade Road Basingstoke
Hampshire RG24 8AH
UNITED KINGDOMCompany Number: 3245A
Contact: Neil Friggi
neil.friggi@ul.comUK4681 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
UKAS ISO/IEC 17025:2017
UKAS ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2028-01-31) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status ULTRATECH ENGINEERING LABS, INC.
3000 Bristol Circle
Oakville ON
CANADA L6H 6G4Company Number: 2049A
Contact: Tri Luu
tri@ultratech-labs.comCA0001 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 6: Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control
ANAB ISO/IEC 17025:2017
ANSI ISO/IEC 17065:2012
(2025-12-01) -
Certification Bodies recognized by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada Organization CAB
identifierScope of recognition Recognition Status VISTA LABORATORIES, INC.
1261 Puerta Del Sol,
San Clemente, CA
UNITED STATES 92673Company Number: 24068
Contact: David Zhang
David.Zhang@vista-compliance.comUS0202 - RADIO SCOPE 1: Licence-exempt Radio Frequency Devices
- RADIO SCOPE 2: Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 3: Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio
- RADIO SCOPE 4: Licensed Maritime and Aviation Radio Services
- RADIO SCOPE 5: Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services
A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2017
A2LA ISO/IEC 17065:2012