Buying propane for your barbecue at a flat rate

Buying propane for your barbecue at a flat rate (infographic)
Long description of the infographic

How is propane sold at a flat rate?

The seller charges a flat rate to fill an empty or partially empty barbecue tank. The price you pay depends on the capacity of your tank, not the amount of propane. For example, you are charged $20 for the refill of a 20 lb tank, no matter how much propane is added to it.

Refill process

  1. The attendant attaches the hose and fills the tank while it's on the scale.
  2. The attendant or the overfill prevention device inside the tank stops the filling process when the tank is full.

Sellers who charge a flat rate for tank refills are not required to use a certified scale. The scale is used only to prevent overfilling the tank.

To ensure you get what you pay for, ask the attendant to demonstrate that your tank is full. The attendant can do this by showing you that the overfill protection device is preventing more propane from being added or that the tank has reached the safe fill level.

If you think you haven't received a full tank, you should first attempt to resolve the issue with the seller. If you're unable to resolve the issue, you can file a complaint with us.

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