GEN-27—Policy on the issuance of inspection certificates and the recording of test results and reverification periods required under the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act

The copy of this document located on Measurement Canada's website is considered to be the controlled copy.

Category: General
Issue date: 2019-05-23
Effective date: 2019-05-23
Revision number: 2
Supersedes: GEN-27 (rev.1)

Table of contents

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this bulletin is to communicate Measurement Canada's (MC) policy for the issuance of certificates, and the recording of test results and reverification periods when performing initial verifications and reverifications of electricity and gas meters under the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act (EGIA).

2.0 Scope

The policy requirements communicated in this bulletin apply to MC inspectors and accredited organizations.

3.0 References

4.0 Definitions

Certificate (certificat)
An official document issued pursuant to section 14 of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act which certifies that the meters have been inspected and indicates the verification results.
Verification (vérification)
All the operations carried out by an inspector or accredited meter verifier having the object of ascertaining and confirming that a meter entirely satisfies specified requirements. Any reference to "verification" includes both the initial verification and reverification of meters, whether by 100% inspection or through the use of statistical sampling methods authorized by Measurement Canada. The term "verification" also includes the application of a verification mark.

5.0 Background

In accordance with paragraph 21(1)(h) of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Regulations (EGIR), the certificate issued following the verification of an electricity or gas meter must include the errors, if any, of the meter at all points tested.

The policies contained in this bulletin respond to several questions received by MC on certain fundamental areas in the preparation of certificates. Additional clarifications have also been included as a result of questions on the implementation of new requirements pertaining to the lengthening of initial verification periods for electricity and gas meters. Following a review of the information to be provided following an inspection and taking into account the possible need to amend section 21 of the EGIR, this bulletin could be revised to include further directives on the preparation of inspection certificates.

6.0 Administrative requirements for the issuance of the certificate

6.1 Inspector

Pursuant to section 14 of the EGIA, the inspector must issue a certificate on verification or reverification of a meter.

6.2 Accredited organization owns the meter

Where an accredited organization verifies or reverifies a meter it owns, it is not required to issue a certificate as prescribed by section 14 of the EGIA. In such cases, it may instead choose to maintain all the information prescribed by section 21 of the EGIR in records that are required to be kept pursuant to sections 11 and 28 of the EGIR.

6.3 Accredited organization doesn't own the meter (meter service organization)

Pursuant to section 14 of the EGIA, an accredited organization must issue a certificate upon verification or reverification of a meter. In addition, the accredited organization must maintain records pursuant to section 28 of the EGIR. In the case of meters that do not meet the verification criteria, the accredited organization must record the information prescribed by section 21 of the EGIR on the certificate or on records that are authorized and controlled under the organization's quality management system.

6.4 Information location

The information required on the certificate issued pursuant to section 14 of the EGIA may be recorded on accompanying work documents attached to the certificate, provided they contain the following:

  • identification number of the certificate;
  • name and signature of the inspector or the accredited meter verifier;
  • date of the verification or reverification; and
  • page numbers.

The total number of work documents must be recorded on the certificate.

7.0 Recording test results

7.1 Accuracy tests

For each meter inspected and verified, the following information must be recorded on the certificate:

  1. the results of each specified accuracy test;
  2. where test results incorporate a bias, as authorized by MC, the bias value;
  3. the combined standard uncertainty value and coverage factor (k) , as applicable; and
  4. the measure of absolute deviation from target value, as applicable.

7.2 Functionality verification

The results of each functionality test not subject to a maximum permissible error (e.g. coil association test or no load test for an electricity meter) may be indicated with a mark or symbol to indicate pass or failure. Where all devices on a certificate have the same test result for a given functionality test, the result can be indicated only once on the certificate.

7.3 Recording of initial reverification periods

7.3.1 Conditionally lengthened initial reverification period

Where a particular make, model or class of electricity or gas meter is granted a conditionally lengthened initial reverification period, the initial reverification period recorded on the certificate must be the one corresponding to the meter's base initial reverification period prescribed in section 5.2 of bulletin E-26 or section 5.2 of bulletin G-18. A meter owner's records must also indicate the base initial reverification period to which the duration of the conditionally lengthened status applies.

7.3.2 Unconditionally lengthened initial reverification period

Where a conditionally lengthened initial reverification period is unconditional (i.e. compliance with S-S-05 has been demonstrated), meter owners must update their meter records for the make, model, or class of electricity or gas meter to reflect the lengthened initial reverification period.

7.3.3 Issuing a new certificate after a change of initial reverification period

A new inspection certificate doesn't have to be issued after the initial reverification period changes.

8.0 Revisions

The purpose of revision 2 was to clarify the requirements for the inclusion of accuracy test results in respect of the combined standard uncertainty value for the k-factor and the measure of absolute deviation from target.

The purpose of revision 1 was to clarify:

  • the initial reverification period that is to be recorded on the certificate or kept in the records for electricity and gas meters with regard to lengthened initial reverification periods; and
  • that an original handwritten signature is to be used on certificates.