Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative Application Package

1. Corporate Information

1.1 Applicant Information

Legal name of applicant
Mailing address
Principal contact name and title
Telephone number
Fax number
Email address
Preferred language of communication checkbox English  checkbox French

1.2 Applicant Corporate Profile

Is the company incorporated under provincial, territorial or federal law? Yes checkbox  No checkbox
If yes, indicate under which law?
Is the company public or private? Public checkbox  Private checkbox
If private, is the company recognized as a Canadian-Controlled Private Corporation? Yes checkbox  No checkbox
What is the current number of employees? Canada:
What is the current number of employees engaged in R&D? Canada:
Provide details of company ownership, including a list of major shareholders: (>10% ownership):
Name Address Ownership Percent
Indicate the name and address of your parent company. If non-applicable, check the box: checkbox
Name and address of parent company:
Provide details of ownership by the parent company, including a list of major shareholders (>10% ownership):
Name Address Ownership Percent
If applicable, indicate the name and addresses of any subsidiary, affiliated or related companies, and details of ownership of such companies. If non-applicable, check the box: checkbox
Name Address Details of relationship

Provide a diagram of the corporate structure of the company, including all parent, subsidiary, affiliated and related companies. The diagram should be annotated to indicate respective mandates and reporting relationships. (Include below or attach as a separate document)


Provide a brief overview of your company (e.g. history in aerospace, space, security and defence (A&D) industries, nature of the business, current products, markets, etc.):


Provide an overview of your past R&D programs.


Provide an overview of your current R&D programs (excluding the SADI project).


Provide a brief description of previous projects supported with financial assistance from Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC) or SADI, including results and benefits obtained.


1.3 Corporate Financial Information

This section must demonstrate that your organization has, or can reasonably be expected to obtain, the financial resources necessary to complete the project.

Financial Statements

Send the following information with the application:

checkbox Last three years' annual financial statements (audited, review engagement or certified by the CFO (must include notes)).
Includes cash flow statement, balance sheet and income statement. If not available, provide statements for your parent company.
checkbox The most recent available quarterly statements showing year to date results.
checkbox Forecast annual company income and cash flow statements for the duration of the R&D phase of the project. (hard copy and Excel spreadsheets). Include all forecast assumptions.

checkbox Complete tab "AnnexFIN01" in attached "Application workbook"

If there have been significant mergers, acquisitions and divestitures in the past ten years (affecting annual revenue by more than 10%), identify the year and the impact on revenue:


Describe any contingent liabilities and other off balance sheet liabilities:


Describe subsequent events not included in the submitted financial statements which would have a material impact on the information provided: