What is the Economic Development Initiative (EDI)?
The EDI is an ongoing initiative ($30.5 million over five years) renewed under the new Action Plan for Official Languages 2023-2028: Protection-Promotion-Collaboration. It is delivered by ISED in collaboration with the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs). The initiative facilitates sustainable growth in OLMCs by fostering the development of new expertise through projects that encourage economic diversification, business development, innovation, and partnerships. These projects increase support for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Official Language Minority Communities (OLMCs).
Aligned with the Government of Canada's commitment to innovation-driven economic growth and job creation, the EDI enhances OLMCs' vitality and encourages the recognition and use of French and English in Canadian society.
The RDAs administer financial contributions in the regions while ISED provides national EDI coordination in regard to reporting, consultation and evaluation and conducting research and analysis on OLMCs.
ISED's research component focuses on several key categories, including data on OLMCs and OLM businesses, policy research, strategic development, and consultation and engagement.
Data on OLMCs and OLM Businesses
- A comparison of investments of official language minority owned businesses in rural and urban areas Statistics Canada (2024)
The analysis compares the investment efforts of rural and urban official language minority (OLM) owned businesses. The study is based on a model that uses a seemingly unrelated regression equation (SURE) system estimator to assess the impact of determinants that explain the investment of businesses in rural and urban areas and to statistically test the differences between the two areas.
- Defining official language minority businesses Statistics Canada (2022)
- Characteristics of official language minority businesses and owners Statistics Canada (2022)
- Characteristics of official language minority businesses and owners: Regional infographics Statistics Canada (2022)
Policy Research
- Comparative Study of Innovation Models Exploring Innovation in Quebec's Official Language Minority SME Ecosystem Youth Employment Services (2020)
The study identifies the challenges, opportunities, best practices, and support the needs of Official Language Minority Communities Small and Medium Enterprises (OLMC SMEs) in Quebec in relation to innovation. Innovation is defined as the creation or adoption of new or improved products, services, processes, or business models that generate value for customers, firms, or society.
- Comparative study of internal and external stressors on official language minority community (OLMC) decision-making Youth Employment Services (2020)
The study examines the political and economic challenges in Quebec, Ontario, and New Brunswick organizations. It provides insight over how organizations set up their internal governance and management structures, the common risks and stressors facing their organizations, and the best practices they recommended for responding to internal and external issues.
- English-Speaking SMEs: Accessing New Markets Youth Employment Services (2019)
The report assesses the current state and potential of international trade for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Canada. Main barriers, trends, and opportunities are identified for SMEs to engage in international trade including recommendations for SMEs and Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) to enhance their international trade performance and competitiveness.
Strategic Development
- Étude d'impact économique Université de Sudbury (UdeS) (in French only) (2023)
The study examines the economic impact of the University of Sudbury. It highlights the university's contributions to the local economy, including job creation and student growth. The study shows the importance of the university in fostering economic growth and supporting the Franco-Ontarian community.
- The White Paper: 2nd Edition Réseau de développement économique et d'employabilité (RDÉE Canada) (2023)
The White Paper presents the vision, mission, values, and priorities of the network for the economic development of Francophone and Acadian communities in Canada. The document aims to inform and guide public policies and programs that affect the economic vitality of communities.
- Stratégie de relance économique municipale Association des municipalités bilingues du Manitoba (AMBM) (in French only) (2021)
The report outlines a roadmap for bilingual communities in Manitoba. Developed through consultations with Manitoba's bilingual municipal leadership, the strategy proposes concrete actions and interventions to support economic recovery post-COVID-19.
- Inventaire comparatif des données – Retombées économiques de l'Université de l'Ontario français (UOF) Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario (AFO) (in French only) (2019)
The report presents an inventory of data and opportunities to be developed in order to demonstrate the relevance and benefits for Ontario's public investment in Francophone higher education in Toronto.
Consultation and Engagement
- ARTS2U English Language Arts Network (ELAN) (2022)
ELAN created the ARTS2U project to help artists increase their visibility on digital platforms. COVID-19 left many live performers navigating a difficult reality. Thus, ARTS2U launched ARTSCAST, a pilot project that aims to compile best practices and guides for artistic live broadcast productions.
- Enquête sur les impacts de la COVID-19 et sur l'offre francophone et bilingue auprès d'entreprises touristiques au Canada Réseau de développement économique et d'employabilité (RDÉE Canada) (in French only) (2022)
The study aimed to provide a portrait of the COVID-19 situation for Francophone tourism businesses and identify the needs, challenges, and propose courses of action. The study was based on an online survey of 285 Francophone tourism businesses in all provinces and territories of Canada, between June 8 and 22. Data was also used from Statistics Canada, the World Tourism Organization, and Destination Canada.
- Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Quebec's English-speaking communities Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CEDEC) (2022)
The study aims to assess the impacts of the pandemic on economic development, on the tourism industry in Québec's English-speaking communities (ESCQ) and best practices to adjust to a new reality through a series of surveys. Results were shared through a consultation session with ESCQ to identify post-pandemic recovery solutions.
- Digital Solutions English Language Arts Network (ELAN) (2019)
The objective of this digital solutions research is to better understand the problem that prevents artistic producers from connecting with artistic consumers, and vice versa. This report identifies new solutions that will have a strong economic impact on Canada's arts and culture sector, as well as on the way Canadians consume arts and culture.
- L'excellence entrepreneuriale des communautés francophones et acadienne : Portrait des lauréats des Lauriers de la PME 2018 Réseau de développement économique et d'employabilité (RDÉE Canada) (2019)
The Lauriers de la PME is a competition for the recognition of entrepreneurial excellence that is open to Francophone and Acadian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Canada established outside Quebec. More than 250 companies from all provinces and territories were nominated during the nine editions of the competition that took place between 2001 and 2023.
Consultation Sessions
Consultation with Francophone and Acadian Minority Communities
- Consultation with Francophone and Acadian Minority Communities: Session 1
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic development of Official Language Minority Communities
- Consultation with Francophone and Acadian Minority Communities in Canada: Session 2
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism
- Consultation with Canada's Francophone and Acadian Minority Communities on the Strategy to Support Entrepreneurs in Official Language Minority Communities
Consultation with the English-Speaking Communities of Quebec
- Dialogue Day consultation with the English-Speaking Communities of Quebec (ESCQ): Session 1
Economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the English Speaking Communities of Quebec
- Dialogue Day Consultation with the English-Speaking Communities of Quebec (ESCQ): Session 2
Economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism sector