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Client Service Centre products and services

The Client Service Centre's commitment to serve you

The Client Service Centre (CSC) is the central point of contact for CIPO's general enquiries. It plays a critical role in disseminating intellectual property (IP) information to clients and to the public. The CSC also provides client-focused products and services as well as assistance with a wide variety of IP procedures and databases. The CSC strives to provide effective and timely responses to general client enquiries.

By telephone

  • We answer your call with courtesy and efficiency and refer you to an information officer who will respond to your enquiry in the official language of your choice.
  • We record all voice mail greetings clearly in both official languages.
  • We listen to voice messages regularly and return your call within 1 business day.

In person

At this time, only visitors of the Public Search Room with an appointment will be allowed on the premises.

Make an appointment

General mail, email and fax enquiries

  • We correspond with you in the official language of your choice.
  • We acknowledge general correspondence, email and fax requests within 2 business days of receipt in the Client Service Centre.

If you wish to formally register feedback concerning any of the products and services offered by CIPO, please complete the Client Feedback form.

CIPO Client Service Standards

General services

Fee: No cost

Product or service Response time
Respond to general correspondence, email and fax requests Within 2 business days of receipt in the Client Service Centre
Respond to voicemail messages Within 1 business day
Provide access to automated search tools (on site) Based on the availability of workstations
Provide access to stored reference documents:  
On site Within 1 business day
Off siteFootnote 1 Within 7 business days

Copies of documents

Orders for copies of documents must be made in writing and submitted:

Hard copies of orders must include the Fee form and be submitted:

  • by facsimile through CIPO's central fax numbers: 819-953-CIPO(2476) or 819-819-953-OPIC(6742)
  • by mail or in person, to:
    Canadian Intellectual Property Office
    Place du Portage I
    50 Victoria St., Room C-114
    Gatineau, Quebec
    K1A 0C9

Copy orders with proof of payment will be completed and sent to clients within 3 business days of their receipt at the Client Service Centre.


Provide a photocopy of a document on paper, for each page:

Product or service Fee
a. if the Office makes the copy (Fee per page) $1

Certified copies

Send certified copies of documents in paper form, other than a request under Rule 318 or 350 of the Federal Courts Rules

Product or service Fee
a. for each certification $44
b. for each page $1

Electronic copies (uncertified)

Provide a copy of a document by email.

Product or service Fee
a. for each request $13
b. for each patent, trademark, copyright, industrial design or application to which the request relates $13

Patent — (Item 40) Status Request

Response time: Within 2 business days

Product or service Fee
Conduct a status search $19

Bulk data products (IP Horizons)

Download IP data from CIPO. IP Horizons is a databank consisting of trademark, industrial design and patent applications filed with CIPO. We have designed this service for organizations that maintain their own IP databases.