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Cleantech and intellectual property

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Check out the Advanced examination for green technologies page for more information on faster patent application processing for technologies that help resolve or mitigate environmental impacts or conserve the natural environment and resources.

On this page

As the world is moving toward cleaner technologies, Canada continues to take on the role of a global leader in clean technology. The benefits to Canadians abound, including, for instance, helping us reach our climate change goals and creating more well-paying jobs across the country.

Canada recognized as a global clean innovator!

Canadian companies have been rewarded for their efforts and exceptional leadership in cleantech. In fact, many Canadian companies are consistently featured on the Global Cleantech 100 list, positioning Canada as one of the leading innovators.

Stay informed on cleantech and other innovation efforts by consulting resources from Innovation Canada or the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO).


To get advice from experts who can help you find and understand which government cleantech programs and services may be right for you, visit the Clean Growth Hub page.

So how are Canadian intellectual property (IP) and clean technologies related, and how can they benefit your business?

Here are a few examples:

  1. WIPO GREEN partner

    CIPO is a member of WIPO GREEN. WIPO GREEN is an interactive marketplace that promotes innovation and the diffusion of green technologies. The WIPO GREEN network facilitates commercial relationships and transactions by connecting green technology providers and seekers.

  2. We offer an expedited process for patent applications related to cleantech!

    CIPO provides an expedited process for patent applications relating to cleantech. Patents are an often-used form of IP in the industry that prevents others from making, using or selling your invention for up to 20 years in Canada.

    Our accelerated service is intended to assist in reducing the time it takes to patent cleantech inventions, enabling businesses to bring them to market more rapidly.

How do I apply for an expedited examination?

  1. Submit a written request to the patent office asking for an expedited examination.
  2. Submit a declaration stating that your application relates to clean technology and that commercializing it would help to resolve or mitigate environmental impacts or conserve the natural environment and resources (see subsection 28(1) of the Patent Rules).

Important considerations

  • No additional fee is required for the accelerated examination service of patent applications related to clean technologies.
  • If you let the expedited patent application lapse due to abandonment or request a time extension, your application will be removed from the expedited examination process.

For more information on IP, please consult CIPO's resources for businesses.

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For permission to reproduce the information in this publication for commercial purposes, please fill out the Application for Crown Copyright Clearance or contact the ISED Citizen Services Centre mentioned above.

Ⓒ Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Industry,


Aussi offert en français sous le titre Technologies propres et propriété intellectuelle.