- Evaluation of the Sustainable Development Technology Fund
- Evaluation of the Canada Small Business Financing Program
- ISED Departmental Evaluation Plan 2024-25 to 2028-29
- Evaluation of Business + Higher Education Roundtable
- Evaluation of the Digital Research Infrastructure (DRI) Strategy
- Evaluation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy Strategy
- Evaluation of Computers for Schools Plus (CFS+) and Computer for Schools Intern (CFSI) programs
- Evaluation of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada funding to CIFAR
- Evaluation of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada's Funding to Mitacs
- Evaluation of ISED’s Innovation Superclusters Initiative
- Evaluation of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada's funding to the Centre for Drug Research and Development (CDRD)
- Evaluation of the Digital Literacy Exchange Program (DLEP)
- Evaluation of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada funding to Let's Talk Science (LTS)
- Evaluation of the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF)
- Evaluation of the Stem Cell Network
- Evaluations of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Institute for Quantum Computing
- Evaluation of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's (ISED) Contribution to the Canada Foundation for Innovation
- Results at a Glance: Evaluation of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's (ISED) Contribution to the Canada Foundation for Innovation
- Management Response and Action Plan: Evaluation of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's (ISED) Contribution to the Canada Foundation for Innovation
- ISED'S Involvement in the International Telecommunication Union Evaluation Report
- Industrial and Technological Benefits Policy Evaluation Report
- Evaluation of Genome Canada
- Evaluation of the Fairness at the Pumps Act (FAPA)
- Evaluation of ISED Support to Extending Broadband Access to Rural and Remote Communities
- Canada Small Business Financing Program Evaluation Report
- Horizontal Evaluation of the Community Futures Program
- Evaluation of Aerospace Programming
- Evaluation of Post-secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund
- Evaluation of CANARIE
- Evaluation of Futurpreneur Canada
- Evaluation of the Automotive Innovation Fund
- Horizontal Evaluation of Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation
- Evaluation of the Council of Canadian Academies
- Evaluation of the Sustainable Development Technology Fund
- Evaluation of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office's Patent Services
- Evaluation of the Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative (SADI)
- Evaluation of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
- Evaluation of the Computers for Schools
- Evaluation of the Competition Bureau's Advocacy Function
- Evaluation of the Certification and Engineering Bureau
- Evaluation of ISED's contribution to Mitacs
- Evaluation of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
- Horizontal Evaluation of the Economic Development Initiative
- Evaluation of Northern Ontario Development Program
- Evaluation of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's Grant to the Internal Trade Secretariat Corporation
- Evaluation of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's BizPaL Service
- Evaluation of Industry Canada's Contribution to the Canada Foundation for Innovation
- Evaluation of Industry Canada's Involvement in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
- Evaluation of Industry Canada's Contribution to Genome Canada
- Evaluation of Industry Canada's Contribution to CANARIE
- Evaluation of the Industrial and Regional Benefits Policy
- Evaluation of the Radio Advisory Board of Canada Grant Program
- Evaluation of the Office of Consumer Affairs' Contributions Program for Non-Profit Consumer and Voluntary Organizations
- Evaluation of the Canada Small Business Financing Program
- Evaluation of the Canada Business Network
- Evaluation of the Community Futures Program
- Evaluation of Industry Canada's Contribution to the Ivey International Centre for Health Innovation
- Evaluation of Industry Canada's Grant to the Institute for Quantum Computing
- Evaluation of the Paperwork Burden Reduction Initiative
- Evaluation of the Bombardier CSeries Program
- Evaluation of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
- Evaluation of Mandatory Counselling
- Evaluation of Corporations Canada
- Evaluation of the Automotive Innovation Fund
- Evaluation of Industry Canada's Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Grants Program
- Evaluation of the Strategic Activities Program
- Evaluation of the Knowledge Infrastructure Program
- Evaluation of the Computers for Schools Program
- Evaluation of the Communications Research Centre
- Evaluation of the Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative
- Evaluation of the FedNor Economic Development Initiative (EDI)
- Evaluation of the Marquee Tourism Events Program
- Evaluation of the Internal Trade Secretariat Corporation—Archived
- Evaluation of Industry Canada's BizPaL Service—Archived
- Evaluation of the Policy on Title to Intellectual Property Arising Under Crown Procurement Contracts—Archived
- Final Evaluation of the Structured Financing Facility—Archived
- Final Evaluation for the Northern Ontario Development Program—Archived
- Final Evaluation of the Contributions Program for Nonprofit Consumer and Voluntary Organizations —Archived
- Final Evaluation of the Community Access Program (CAP)—Final Report—Archived
- Final Evaluation of the Canadian Apparel and Textile Industries Program (CATIP)—Final Report—Archived
- Evaluation of the Canada Small Business Financing Program (CSBFP)—Final Report—Archived
- Evaluation of the Program for Strategic Industrial Projects (PSIP)—Final Report—Archived
- Final Evaluation of Industry Canada's Involvement in the International Telecommunication Union—Final Report—Archived
- Review of the BizPaL Service—Final Report—Archived
- Final Evaluation of the Community Futures Program in Ontario—Archived
- Final Evaluation of the Language Industry Initiative—Archived
- Mid-Term Evaluation of the Northern Ontario Development Program (NODP)—Archived
- Mid-Term Evaluation of the Competition Bureau's Anti Bid-Rigging Activities—Archived
- Final Evaluation of the Hydrogen Early Adopters Program—Archived
- Final Evaluation of the Eastern Ontario Development Program (EODP)—Archived
- Final Evaluation of the Francommunautés virtuelles Program—Archived
- Final Evaluation of the Structured Financing Facility Program—Archived
- Final Evaluation of the Student Connections Program—Archived
- Formative Evaluation of the Canadian Apparel and Textile Industries Program ( CATIP )—Textile Production Efficiency Component ( TPEC /CANtex)—Archived
- Formative Evaluation of the Broadband for Rural and Northern Development Pilot—Archived
- National Evaluation of the Softwood Industry and Community Economic Adjustment Initiative ( SICEAI )—Archived
- Formative Evaluation of Industry Canada's Action Plan 2004–08 (Section 41) and the Economic Development of Official Language Minority Communities ( EDOLMC )—Archived
- Formative Evaluation of the Language Industry Initiative—Archived
- Formative Evaluation of Student Connections—Archived
- Mid-Term Evaluation of Industry Canada's Sustainable Development Strategy, 2003-2006 ( SDS III)—Archived
- Summative Evaluation of the Northern Ontario Economic Development Fund ( NODF )—Archived
- Summative Evaluation of the Canadian Biotechnology Strategy Program—Archived
- Evaluation of the Sustainable Cities Initiative—Archived
- Formative Evaluation of the Eastern Ontario Economic Development Fund ( EODF )—Archived—Archived
- Evaluation of the Spectrum Management—Business Plan Investments ( BPI )—Archived
- Mid-Term Evaluation—First Nations SchoolNet Program—Archived
- Evaluation of the Contributions Program for Non-Profit Consumer and Voluntary Organizations—Archived
- Interim Evaluation of the Structured Financing Facility—Archived
If the previous documents are not accessible to you, please contact the person below for assistance in obtaining the documents in the appropriate format.
Joseph Lindsay
Director, Practice Management Directorate
Audit and Evaluation Branch
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
C.D. Howe Building
235 Queen Street, 2nd Floor, Room 278B
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H5
Telephone: 343-291-3335
Email: joseph.lindsay@canada.ca