The information on this Web page has been provided by external sources. The Government of Canada is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information supplied by external sources. Users wishing to rely upon this information should consult directly with the source of the information. Content provided by external sources is not subject to official languages and privacy requirements.
List of submissions received
- Access Copyright
- Adobe
- Alessandro Sisti
- Artists and Lawyers for the Advancement of Creativity
- Association littéraire et artistique internationale (ALAI Canada) 1 (in French only)
- Association littéraire et artistique internationale (ALAI Canada) 2 (in French only)
- Association nationale des éditeurs de livres (in French only)
- Association of Canadian Publishers
- Athabasca University
- Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (in French only)
- Bill Kirkpatrick
- Blair Lipkind
- Brenda Delaney
- Brian Hubner
- British Columbia library association
- Bronwyn Smyth
- Business Coalition for Balanced Copyright
- C. P. Boyko
- Café des savoirs libres (in French only)
- Canada's songwriters, composers, and music publishers organizations’ joint submission
- Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA)
- Canadian Association of University Teachers
- Canadian Authors Association
- Canadian Copyright Institute
- Canadian Council of Archives (CCA)
- Canadian Federation of Library Associations and Canadian Association of Research Libraries (Joint Submission)
- Canadian Independent Music Association
- Canadian IP Scholars (Joint submission)
- Canadian Media Producers Association
- Canadian Museums Association
- Canadian Publishers' Council
- Centre for New Liberalism
- Cheryl Cheung
- Christian Vandendorpe (in French only)
- Chuk Goodin
- City Farmer Society
- Coalition for the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
- Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan)
- Copibec (in French only)
- Copyright for Creativity
- Corporation des bibliothécaires professionnels du Québec (in French only)
- Council of Ministers of Education Canada - Copyright Consortium
- Council of Post-Secondary Library Directors, British Columbia (CPSLD) - BC Open Education Librarians group (BCOEL)
- Cory Doctorow
- Craig M. Coyle
- Creative Commons and Creative Commons Canada
- The Cultural Capital Project
- Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC)
- International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
- Internet Archive Canada
- Mark Akrigg
- Mark J. Szymanski
- Matt Baillie
- Meera Nair
- Michael Geist
- Michael Ireland
- Michael McNally and Kris Joseph
- Motion Picture Association Canada
- Music Canada
- Music Publishers Canada - Éditeurs de Musique au Canada
- Peter D James
- Playwrights Guild of Canada (PGC)
- Pierrette Brière
- Professional Photographers of Canada - Canadian Association of Professional Image Creators
- Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic 1
- Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic 2
- Saskatchewan Arts Alliance
- Saskatchewan Writers' Guild
- Screen Composers Guild of Canada
- Simon Fraser University
- Société des auteurs de radio, télévision et cinéma (SARTEC) (in French only)
- Société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques 2 (in French only)
- Société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques / Société civile des auteurs multimédia 1 (in French only)
- Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada (SOCAN)
- Stuart Spence
- Union des écrivaines et des écrivains québécois (in French only)
- Universities Canada
- University of Alberta
- University of Guelph
- University of Toronto – Office of the Chief Librarian
- The University of Winnipeg