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Overview of Canada’s National Quantum Strategy

Quantum science is at the leading edge of research and innovation. This emerging field will transform how we develop and design everything from life-saving drugs to next-generation batteries, and Canadian scientists and entrepreneurs are well-positioned to take advantage of these opportunities.

The National Quantum Strategy will support Canada's quantum sector and solidify Canada's position among leaders in this fast-growing field.

The Strategy will guide investments along three pillars − quantum research, talent and commercialization − toward achieving three key missions, in quantum computers and software, communications and sensors. To learn more, please read Canada's National Quantum Strategy.


The National Quantum Strategy is underpinned by three interrelated pillars that will strengthen Canada's quantum advantage.

Research pillar

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) is offering three quantum streams of Alliance grants, supporting consortia, international and domestic quantum research.

The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) is launching a new program, the Quantum Research and Development Initiative (QRDI), to advance shared quantum priorities of federal departments and agencies.

Talent pillar        

NSERC's Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program is developing diverse research trainees ready to transition to Canada's quantum workforce, with three CREATE initiatives.

New quantum work placements through Mitacs are building bridges between academia and industry, and helping develop, attract and retain quantum talent in Canada.

Commercialization pillar

Canada's Global Innovation Clusters are furthering the adoption of made-in-Canada quantum technologies by businesses in key industries, and by public and not-for-profit entities.

Innovative Solutions Canada (ISC) is moving quantum solutions toward the marketplace by matching Government of Canada clients with Canadian SMEs that are developing early stage research and development (R&D), or testing late-stage R&D.

The NRC is also advancing two quantum technology domains under the collaborative R&D model of its Challenges Program, the Quantum Sensors Challenge and the new Applied Quantum Computing Challenge.

Regional Development Agencies are supporting high-potential quantum projects and activities. Through these efforts, Canada Economic Development for Quebec RegionsFederal Economic Development Agency for Southern OntarioPrairies Economic Development Canada and Pacific Economic Development Canada are helping Canadian quantum companies scale-up.


The National Quantum Strategy sets out three key missions to ensure Canada stays on the path of quantum innovation and leadership.

Mission: Quantum computers and software

The Quantum Computers and Software mission aims to make Canada a world leader in the continued development, deployment and use of quantum computing hardware and software to the benefit of Canadian industry, governments and citizens.

Mission: Quantum communications

The Quantum Communications mission intends to ensure the privacy and cyber-security of Canadians in a quantum-enabled world through a national secure quantum communications network and a post-quantum cryptography initiative.

Mission: Quantum sensors

The Quantum Sensors mission seeks to enable the Government of Canada and key industries to be developers and early adopters of new quantum sensing technologies.

Other Government of Canada programs

Other programs also support quantum research, talent and commercialization, including:

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