Program overview
The Patent Collective, one of the key initiatives of the Intellectual Property (IP) Strategy, is a $30M, 4-year pilot program intended to assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with their patent and other IP needs. As the Patent Collective is a pilot program, participants will have an opportunity to shape how it will support member businesses, customize services to suit members' needs and innovation environments, and identify how best to support the strategic use of IP in scaling businesses. The Government of Canada, in soliciting applications, is seeking input from entities to determine how the Patent Collective can be best structured to achieve the program's objectives. For more information or to apply, please review the Patent Collective Program Guide.
Program objectives
The Patent Collective pilot program will help its members better leverage IP in their drive to grow to scale and will also provide the Government with insight to better support SMEs in this regard going forward. This program contributes to the objectives of the IP Strategy which is intended to help Canadian innovators and entrepreneurs better understand, protect, and commercialize IP.
Why this program is important
The objectives of the Patent Collective pilot program and of the IP Strategy more broadly are directly aligned with priority areas under the Government of Canada's Innovation and Skills Plan. In particular, it supports companies, investment and growth; for Canadian businesses to grow and create good, well-paying jobs, they need the ability to turn their ideas into new goods and services that can compete in the marketplace. The Patent Collective pilot program will be a new resource that businesses can access to enable this objective.
Application Process
The Call for Proposals is now closed. Thank you to all those who applied.
Contact information
Telephone (toll-free in Canada): 1-800-328-6189
Telephone (Ottawa): 613-954-5031
Fax: 343-291-1913
TTY (for hearing-impaired): 1-866-694-8389
By email:
Business hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)
By mail:
Marketplace Framework Policy Branch
C.D. Howe Building
235 Queen Street, 10th floor, East Tower
Ottawa, ON K1A 0H5