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Report date: 2024-07-27


Canadian imports
Naics 322 - paper manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Wisconsin 866,627,913 779,396,839 789,162,898 979,009,434 1,004,021,890
New York 762,293,098 732,437,996 761,710,465 852,725,472 829,827,658
Ohio 653,623,568 719,617,911 615,473,203 718,643,190 771,954,829
Washington 439,363,222 467,498,530 520,507,566 615,654,694 605,235,204
Illinois 321,871,163 319,261,169 334,307,259 382,507,632 380,040,425
Michigan 289,616,817 255,946,960 271,094,466 327,943,581 333,835,609
Georgia 283,652,567 323,896,991 294,821,520 340,143,705 306,947,745
North Carolina 203,594,500 204,012,080 201,299,055 291,142,434 286,704,411
Virginia 163,611,157 157,621,619 184,922,306 231,689,062 267,037,171
Maine 197,164,566 198,185,993 242,111,341 315,210,135 263,593,378
Pennsylvania 249,539,092 216,860,866 249,534,448 266,267,193 252,848,490
Alabama 204,068,039 188,530,076 183,879,917 241,258,826 242,071,828
Massachusetts 171,341,092 166,452,121 217,107,745 273,291,289 239,682,277
Indiana 151,327,033 142,226,809 136,994,733 179,344,141 186,417,090
South Carolina 154,547,869 114,702,667 123,304,164 169,025,121 168,992,959
Kentucky 82,351,948 85,389,154 95,545,876 132,706,015 145,364,879
Texas 126,645,791 102,222,848 112,116,857 116,274,566 135,151,011
Minnesota 116,953,422 111,743,295 129,473,877 149,688,878 132,664,443
Florida 90,071,461 99,108,005 101,711,589 128,285,947 117,078,368
California 83,525,743 74,706,739 76,028,819 107,963,884 116,020,694
Tennessee 138,649,707 117,479,771 110,857,421 132,576,685 114,427,234
New Jersey 107,681,382 112,964,605 112,634,370 114,283,799 114,381,832
Vermont 99,016,175 98,368,218 83,755,571 112,031,781 112,283,713
Oregon 59,823,840 58,025,461 64,487,887 77,071,682 54,402,113
Arkansas 79,217,556 78,217,215 44,218,967 48,557,256 51,410,840
Idaho 22,760,007 29,249,446 39,971,195 37,829,605 43,764,962
Missouri 37,757,493 34,606,762 36,426,600 42,042,442 43,524,636
Connecticut 21,886,262 23,130,456 29,177,065 33,847,006 32,459,223
Louisiana 27,236,792 28,998,250 25,324,101 21,934,032 29,563,698
Mississippi 26,045,928 17,924,864 14,162,712 35,540,897 29,081,881
Oklahoma 21,822,961 16,327,755 29,146,125 29,385,360 26,592,577
Maryland 13,797,622 10,645,215 20,439,689 20,713,006 26,344,130
Nevada 5,470,588 5,919,263 10,593,054 17,319,323 25,459,590
Utah 17,013,489 18,978,651 25,659,937 23,485,311 24,080,429
Iowa 9,306,445 11,300,239 13,772,780 17,654,735 21,942,066
Arizona 8,976,228 8,394,279 12,334,535 15,491,506 17,346,650
Delaware 12,878,305 12,120,968 10,350,550 13,720,889 16,266,210
New Hampshire 16,080,749 13,462,446 12,882,217 18,309,560 11,173,910
Kansas 11,130,307 9,924,525 8,582,393 8,450,967 9,236,391
South Dakota 2,776,405 3,611,318 3,799,306 4,483,493 9,143,056
Nebraska 5,648,087 4,591,793 4,711,207 3,845,373 5,840,394
Other unspecified U.S. State 4,488,922 4,384,003 4,453,119 6,030,574 4,185,130
Colorado 8,843,047 5,555,991 3,925,556 4,118,743 3,782,673
New Mexico 3,341,100 273,248 172,529 517,526 3,299,696
West Virginia 2,468,305 1,603,701 3,660,443 4,234,037 2,721,168
Rhode Island 3,770,998 3,315,841 2,662,536 3,533,742 2,413,003
North Dakota 1,643,358 1,064,338 1,170,434 1,516,482 1,684,464
Puerto Rico 9,364 538,107 120,709 1,032 127,982
Montana 502,548 97,936 94,799 124,644 109,035
Wyoming 14,663 47,226 2,930 144,868 51,058
Alaska 27,085 18,633 51,173 91,600 10,089
District of Columbia 1,859 324 34,447 1,261 7,054
Hawaii 27,332 6,929 659 11,611 859
U.S. Virgin Islands 23 -- 2,035 92 61
Sub-total 6,381,904,993 6,190,966,445 6,370,747,155 7,667,676,119 7,622,608,166
Others 1,680,530,182 1,575,058,331 1,752,310,025 2,447,807,506 2,318,422,334
Total All Countries 8,062,435,175 7,766,024,776 8,123,057,180 10,115,483,625 9,941,030,500

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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