file: n:\ec\trade_mark\01\84\34\95\ronade21201901230916281553999_rev.html

printed: 2019-01-23 10:40

Electronic Application Receive TimeStamp: January 23, 2019 9:16:24 AM

Registrar of Trade-marks
Trade-marks Office
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0C9

Trademark application number: 1843495

Electronic Application Received TimeStamp: January 23, 2019 9:16:24 EST AM

Language of correspondence: English

Date: January 23, 2019



Agent Reference: 418042-001

Representative Reference: 418042-001

Applicant Reference: 418042-001

Further to the examiner's report of December 27, 2018, enclosed is a Revised Application in which the cited services have been defined in more specific terms, as requested, and the foreign use and registration basis has been removed for the underlined services.

We look forward to the further examination of this application.



vul. Otakara Yarosha, 18
Kharkiv, 61045

Reference: 418042-001


Trademark application number: 1843495

The trademark is:


Nice Class Edition: 10


Class: 36


(1) stock brokerage services; stocks and bonds brokerage; brokerage of carbon credits; real estate brokerage; insurance brokerage; securities brokerage; investment of funds; capital investment; lending against security; financial investment counseling; financing of investment; financial customs brokerage services; brokerage for securities liquidation.


Proposed Use in Canada

The applicant by itself or through a licensee, or by itself and through a licensee, intends to use the trademark in Canada in association with the services described above.

Registration Abroad and Use

Country of use: UKRAINE

Country of origin of the applicant in or for which filed: UKRAINE

Country/Office where foreign registration was filed: UKRAINE

Foreign registration date: 2016-12-12 (yyyy-mm-dd)

Foreign registration number: 220286

Registered in the country of origin in association with: Financial analysis; stock brokerage services; stocks and bonds brokerage; brokerage of carbon credits; real estate brokerage; insurance brokerage; securities brokerage; issuance of tokens of value; investment of funds; trusteeship; debt advisory services; electronic funds transfer; providing financial information via a web site; capital investment; clearing, financial; bail-bonding; exchanging money; processing of debit card payments; processing of credit card payments; organization of collections; antique appraisal; stamp appraisal; real estate appraisal; numismatic appraisal; art appraisal; fiscal valuation; jewellery [jewelry (Am.)] appraisal; check [cheque] verification; lending against security; mutual funds; surety services; debt collection agency services; savings bank services; provident fund services; factoring; financial information; financial management; financial management of reimbursement payments for others; financial consultancy; financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate]; financial sponsorship; financing services; financial customs brokerage services; hire-purchase financing; business liquidation services, financial; retirement payment services

Class: 36


(2) Financial analysis; issuance of credit cards, debit cards, traveller's cheques, encrypted digital currency (cryptocurrency); trusteeship; debt advisory services; electronic funds transfer; providing information via a web site in the field of finance; financial clearing house services; bail-bonding; exchanging money; processing of debit card payments; processing of credit card payments; debt collection recovery services; antique appraisal; stamp appraisal; real estate appraisal; numismatic appraisal; art appraisal; fiscal valuation; jewellery appraisal; cheque verification; mutual funds; surety services; debt collection agency services; savings and loan services; provident fund services; factoring; providing information to others in the field of finance; financial management; financial management of reimbursement payments for others; financial analysis consultation services; financial sponsorship of small businesses, sports programs, cultural programs, educational programs; financial services, namely, financing of venture capital, financing of industrial projects; hire-purchase financing; retirement payment services.


Proposed Use in Canada

The applicant by itself or through a licensee, or by itself and through a licensee, intends to use the trademark in Canada in association with the services described above.

Class: 45


(3) Arbitration services; licensing of intellectual property; monitoring intellectual property rights for legal advisory purposes; copyright management.


Proposed Use in Canada

The applicant by itself or through a licensee, or by itself and through a licensee, intends to use the trademark in Canada in association with the services described above.

Registration Abroad and Use

Country of use: UKRAINE

Country of origin of the applicant in or for which filed: UKRAINE

Country/Office where foreign registration was filed: UKRAINE

Foreign registration date: 2016-12-12 (yyyy-mm-dd)

Foreign registration number: 220286

Registered in the country of origin in association with: Arbitration services; intellectual property consultancy; leasing of internet domain names; licensing of intellectual property; licensing of computer software [legal services]; mediation; monitoring intellectual property rights for legal advisory purposes; legal document preparation services; litigation services; on-line social networking services; alternative dispute resolution services; legal research; registration of domain names [legal services]; copyright management; legal services in relation to the negotiation of contracts for others

Class: 45


(4) intellectual property consultancy; leasing of internet domain names; licensing of computer software [legal services]; mediation; legal document preparation services; litigation services; on-line social networking services; alternative dispute resolution services; legal research; registration of domain names [legal services]; legal services in relation to the negotiation of contracts for others.


Proposed Use in Canada

The applicant by itself or through a licensee, or by itself and through a licensee, intends to use the trademark in Canada in association with the services described above.

Entitlement Statement: The applicant is satisfied that it is entitled to use the trademark in Canada in association with the goods and/or services described in the application.


The applicant appoints the person (firm or any member of the said firm) below, as its agent to prosecute this application with full powers of amendment and substitution, to execute any amendment related thereto as well as any amended application, and to represent the applicant with respect to this application, the said agents being authorized to receive the registration certificate on behalf of the applicant.



102 - 1015 Wilkes Avenue
Winnipeg, MANITOBA, R3P2R8

Attention To: RONALD S. ADE

Reference: 418042-001


The applicant appoints the person (or firm) below to whom any notice in respect of the application or registration may be sent, and upon whom service of any proceedings in respect of the application or registration may be given or served with the same effect as if they had been given to or served upon the applicant or registrant.



102 - 1015 Wilkes Avenue
Winnipeg, MANITOBA, R3P2R8

Attention To: RONALD S. ADE

Reference: 418042-001