file: \\\tmdata\ec\trade_mark\01\67\29\60\1672960.htm printed: 2014-04-16 13:40

Transmission identification: ShannonBarrette1397663290151_app_4468591

Electronic Application Receive TimeStamp: April 16, 2014 11:47:30 AM

Date: April 16, 2014

Registrar of Trade-marks
Trade-marks Office
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0C9

Trade-mark application number: 1672960

Agent Reference No.: 000158-0194 BHS/SHB
Representative for Service Reference No.: 000158-0194 BHS/SHB

Language of correspondence: English

The prescribed fee of CDN$250 for this application is processed by credit card, using the secure online payment service.


1. The applicant, WM17 HOLDING AG, legal entity, the full post office address of whose principal office or place of business is c/o KBT Treuhand AG Zug, Neuhofstrasse 5A, 6340 Baar, SWITZERLAND, applies for the registration, in accordance with the provisions of the Trade-marks Act, of the trade-mark identified below.

2. The trade-mark is


3. The applicant by itself or through a licensee, or by itself and through a licensee, intends to use the trade-mark in Canada in association with (1) Pharmaceutical preparations and substances; preparations for healthcare and for use in discouraging the smoking habit; nicotine gum for use as an aid to stop smoking; transdermal plasters for use as an aid to stop smoking. Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured; tobacco products, in particular cigars, cigarillos cigarette tips and cigarettes, smoking tobacco, chewing tobacco and snuff; smokeless tobacco products; snus; tobacco pouches; pouches containing tobacco for oral use; hand rolling tobacco; electronic cigarettes; smokers' articles, namely tobacco pipes, pipe cleaners for tobacco pipes, cigar cutters, cigar lighters and lighters (non-electronic), cigar and cigarette cases, cigar holders and cigarette holders, cigar and cigarette boxes, tampers, smokers' ashtrays, snuff boxes and requests registration of the trade-mark in respect of such wares.

4. The applicant appoints ROBIC, whose full post office address in Canada is 1001, Square-Victoria - Bloc E - 8th Floor, MONTREAL, QUEBEC, H2Z2B7, CANADA, as the person (firm or any member of the said firm), as its agent to prosecute this application with full powers of amendment and substitution, to execute any amendment related thereto as well as any amended application, and to represent the applicant with respect to this application, the said agents being authorized to receive the registration certificate on behalf of the applicant.

5. The applicant appoints ROBIC, whose full post office address in Canada is 1001 Square-Victoria - Bloc E - 8th Floor, MONTREAL, QUEBEC, H2Z2B7, CANADA, as the person (or firm) to whom any notice in respect of the application or registration may be sent, and upon whom service of any proceedings in respect of the application or registration may be given or served with the same effect as if they had been given to or served upon the applicant or registrant.

6. The applicant is satisfied that it is entitled to use the trade-mark in Canada in association with the wares described above.