Transmission identification: ~~rosej~~bevpassey274143839_app_1070209

Electronic Application Receive TimeStamp: April 27, 2004 3:08:13 PM

Reference No. :

Date : April 27, 2004

Registrar of Trade-marks
Trade-marks Office
Gatineau,Quebec  K1A 0C9

United Way of Winnipeg is in the process of launching a new brand identity.


Is based on the concept that each one of us brings something special, something necessary to making Winnipeg a better place to live. When "we" work together, our individual contributions multiply into the strength and confidence of "we". And "we" all benefit. United Way makes "we" happen.

The prescribed fee of CDN$250 for this application is processed by credit card, using the secure online payment service.


1. The applicant, United Way of Winnipeg, the full post office address of whose principal office or place of business is 3rd Floor - Five Donald Street, Winnipeg, MANITOBA, CANADA, R3L 2T4, applies for the registration, in accordance with the provisions of the Trade-marks Act, of the trade-mark identified below.

2. The trade-mark is


3. The trade-mark has been used in Canada by the applicant in association with all the specific services listed hereafter, and the applicant requests registration in respect of such services. The trade-mark has been so used in Canada in association with the general class of services comprising the following specific services (1) United Way of Winnipeg Mission:Improving lives and building community by engaging individuals and mobilizing collective action.Unitted Way make "We." happen through the following services:Facilitating, through a variety of forums, citizens in setting the human care services agenda;Investing resources in strategies to acheive the agenda;Measuring and reporting to citizens on the impact of the investments; andAsking for support through a variety of fund raising initiatives. since January 01, 2004.

4. The applicant is satisfied that she is entitled to use the trade-mark in Canada in association with the services described above.