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Form 40.1—Notice of Hearing of Application for Court Approval of Proposal

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Form 40.1

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(Paragraph 58(b) of the Act)

In the space to insert name of Court Court of space to insert Court's province (province) in Bankruptcy

In the matter of the proposal of space to insert name of debtor , a debtor

Take notice that an application will be made to the court, at space to insert city , on the space to insert day of month day of space to insert month space to insert year, at space to insert time of day o'clock, to approve the proposal of space to insert name of debtor , accepted by the creditors at a meeting held on the space to insert day of month in which meeting was held day of space to insert  month in which meeting was held , space to insert year in which meeting was held .

Dated at space to insert city where this form was completed , this space to insert day of month when this form was completed day of space to insert month when this form was completed space to insert year when this form was completed .

space to insert Trustee's Signature
Licensed Insolvency Trustee


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