On November 4, 2002, Industry Canada issued Request for Proposal # IC 400210, which invited proposals from interested parties to conduct a national policy review of antenna siting and approval in Canada. The RFP set the requirements for an outside party to conduct a thorough study and public consultation on the current environment related to this nation's regulatory authorization processes for radiocommunication antennas and their support structures. In response to this RFP, a number of project proposals were received and evaluated, and a contactor was selected.
As noted within the 'backgrounder materials' that accompanied the Minister's news release of October 31, 2002, Industry Canada intended to appoint a panel of experts to support and assist the consultation and research activities to be undertaken by the contractor selected. This memorandum sets out the 'Terms of Reference' for that advisory committee, hereinafter called the National Antenna Tower Advisory Committee.
1. Mandate
1.1 The mandate of the National Antenna Tower Advisory Committee is to support and assist the consultation and research activities undertaken by the contractor. The leader of the contractor team is to assume the role of Chairperson of the advisory committee. Generally, the purpose of the advisory committee is to provide expert advice and to otherwise act as a sounding board for ideas and problems that arise in conjunction with the public and other stakeholder consultations and the antenna approval policy review.
2. Responsibilities
2.1 Through the intermediary role of its Chairperson, the National Antenna Tower Advisory Committee will be asked to provide:
- 2.1.1 General reactions to the contractor's detailed work plan for the consultations and policy review;
- 2.1.2 Opinions on the public e-Consultation proposal set out within the work plan (in particular, opinions on how best to ensure broad public participation);
- 2.1.3 Suggestions for the analysis of the data obtained from the consultation activities;
- 2.1.4 Reactions to and suggestions about the policy recommendations made by the contractor regarding improvements to the current national antenna approval policies;
- 2.1.5 Comments and suggestions to the Chairperson about the final deliverables of the contractor; and
- 2.1.6 (At the request of the Chairperson) Suggested solutions for problems encountered, or reactions to ideas arising, throughout the term of the public consultations and policy review.
2.2 It is anticipated that the comments, suggestions and opinions of the National Antenna Tower Advisory Committee will contribute greatly to the success of the public and other consultations, the antenna policy review and the final deliverables. In this regard, the members of the advisory committee must keep in mind that it is the contractor who bears full and ultimate responsibility for the conduct, costing and completion of the detailed statement of work filed with Industry Canada in response to RFP 400210 and for the tone and content of the final policy recommendations and other deliverables.
3. Composition
3.1 Members of the National Antenna Tower Advisory Committee shall be selected by Industry Canada in consultation with the contractor. The advisory committee shall consist of not more than 8 members, including the Chairperson who shall be the leader of the contractor team.
4. Meetings
4.1 At the call of the Chairperson, meetings will be held by means of telephone teleconferences. Meetings will be scheduled in advance with reasonable notice to all members and the working language for the meetings will be English.
4.2 It is anticipated that the advisory committee will meet in person, in Ottawa, soon after the bulk of the data collection from the e-Consultation and the industry interviews has been completed.
4.3 As the need for particular advice arises, the Chairperson may consult individually with any member of the advisory committee between meetings, but such consultations will be discussed at the next meeting of the (whole) advisory committee.
5. Appointment of Committee Members
5.1 All members of the National Antenna Tower Advisory Committee will be volunteers from the community and each member will be designated or appointed by Industry Canada. (More official means of appointment will not be necessary.) Advisory committee members will serve until the contractor has submitted its final report to Industry Canada (maximum of 12 months).
6. Procedure
6.1 The meetings shall follow any procedure that leads logically to brainstorming and consensus building. Formal votes on any matter of business may be taken should committee members manifest a consensus to proceed in that manner.
6.2 On those occasions when the advisory committee meets as a whole (by teleconference or in person), clerical support will be sought from Industry Canada through the provision of a recording secretary.
7. Reimbursement for Expenses
7.1 Each member of the National Antenna Tower Advisory Committee shall serve without remuneration, but members will be reimbursed for any necessary expenses incurred while engaged in official advisory committee duties, provided that such expenses are pre-approved by Industry Canada, Director, Spectrum Management Operations.