Issue 4
Posted on June 30, 2016
This document specifies the procedure used by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) to designate a Canadian entity as a certification body to certify products to the regulatory requirements of a Mutual Recognition Agreement/Arrangement (MRA) partner.
Annex A — Application for Designation or Recognition of a Canadian Testing Laboratory by Industry Canada, has been replaced by a web form, available at
Interested parties are requested to provide their comments within 90 days of the date of publication of this notice using the online General Inquiry form. Comments and suggestions for improving this procedure may be submitted online using the Standard Change Request form.
Copies of this document are available electronically on the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Web site at
Issued under the authority
of the Minister of Innovation, Science and
Economic Development
Martin Proulx
Acting Director General
Engineering, Planning and Standards Branch
1. Purpose
This document specifies the procedure used by the Department to designate a Canadian entity as a certification body (CB) to certify products to the regulatory requirements of a Mutual Recognition Agreement/Arrangement (MRA) partner. A list of these CBs is published and maintained by the Department.
2. Definitions
- Department:
- Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED).
- Bureau:
- the Department’s Certification and Engineering Bureau.
- Conformity Assessment Body:
- a body engaged in the performance of procedures for determining whether the relevant requirements in technical regulations or standards are fulfilled.
- Certification Body (CB):
- a body which conducts certification.
- Designating Authority:
- a body with the authority to designate, monitor, suspend designation, or withdraw designation of certification bodies under its jurisdiction.
- Designation:
- the nomination by a Designating Authority of a conformity assessment body as competent to perform conformity assessment activities under the terms of an agreement or arrangement.
- Recognized Accreditation Organizations:
- accreditation organizations that have been recognized by the Standards Council of Canada or a Mutual Recognition Agreement/Arrangement partner as competent to perform accreditation.
- Regulatory Authority:
- a government agency or other entity with the power to regulate the use or sale of products within its jurisdiction.
3. General Information
The Department’s documents and other information are available at the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website at
4. Designation Requirements
In order to be eligible for designation, a CB shall:
- be situated in at least one permanent location in Canada; and
- be accredited in accordance with the general guidelines of the latest edition of ISO/IEC 17065, Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services, by the Standards Council of Canada or a recognized accreditation organization.
The scope of accreditation shall include the foreign regulatory authority requirements for the designation sought.
5. Designation Procedure
The applicant seeking designation shall provide the standards or specifications for which designation or recognition is sought along with the following documentation online at:….
- a signed and dated covering letter, indicating that the applicant:
- meets all the requirements of the latest DES-CB procedure;
- will provide information and access to records, personnel and facilities, to verify continued compliance; and
- will inform the Department of any changes as per Section 9 of DES-CB.
- a copy of the accreditation certificates to the requirements of Section 4 and related scopes of accreditation.
It is important that the information submitted by the applicant match the ISO/IEC 17025 and 17065 Certificate and Scope of Accreditation and that the accreditation is valid at the time of application.
The application will be evaluated by the Department on a first-come, first-served basis.
If additional information is required to make a decision, the Department will contact the applicant.
Upon recognition by the foreign regulatory authority, the Department will issue a confirmation letter to the CB. The confirmation letter will state the standards or specifications for which recognition has been granted. The recognized CB will be added to the list of recognized CBs available on the Department's Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website. A unique identification number will be assigned to the CB.
6. Disclosure of Information
CBs shall indicate which information or documents provided in support of an application for designation are confidential. The provisions of the Access to Information Act apply.
The Department will not disclose the status of applications for designation to any third party until the designation process has been completed and recognition has been obtained from the foreign regulatory authority.
7. Disclaimer
The Department does not accept any responsibility for the effects or consequences of services provided by the designated CBs for users of such services.
The designation of a CB by the Department does not imply or otherwise suggest approval of a product, or that the designated CB is an agent or representative of the Department.
8. Training
The regulatory authority of a MRA partner may offer training sessions.
9. Retaining Designation
Designated CBs shall maintain their accreditation status. The Department requires designated CBs to provide evidence of their accreditation status and scope upon request.
Designated CBs shall notify the Department, in writing, of any changes that may affect their continued compliance with this procedure and their ability to carry out the activities for which they were designated. This includes changes in:
- business address and contact information;
- accreditation scope and status; and/or
- subsequent reassessments.
CBs shall not advertise their designation and recognition status for certification activities that are outside of the scope of their designation and recognition.
10. Suspension or Withdrawal of Designation
When a recognized CB is the subject of an investigation for non-compliance with this procedure, and in situations where a formal review process exists, such as in MRAs through a joint committee, the designation may be suspended until the formal review process has been completed. The CB is required to take immediate corrective action to the Department’s satisfaction. Where it is found after formal review that the designated CB does not comply with the requirements of this procedure, the designation and recognition may be withdrawn. Such action, however, will only take place after a comprehensive consultation between the Department, the affected CB and the foreign regulatory authority, as applicable.
If a CB’s recognition is suspended or withdrawn by the foreign regulatory authority, the designation will also be suspended or withdrawn by the Department.
A CB whose designation has been suspended or withdrawn will be removed from the list of recognized CBs.
A CB whose designation and recognition have been suspended or withdrawn shall stop advertising its designation and recognition.