January 2021: Please note that Section 2 of this document no longer applies as a result of the decision to rescind the Digital Radio Broadcasting Allotment Plan in SP 1435 MHz, Spectrum Utilization Policy Decisions for the Band 1435-1525 MHz. Other sections related to the use of SCMO on FM channel sub-carriers of this document remain in effect.
September 1997
Table of Contents
- Intent
- 1.0 Introduction
- 2.0 Spectrum Policy for DRB Installations
- 3.0 Spectrum Policy for Subsidiary Communications Multiplex Operation on FM Facilities
- 4.0 Radio Licensing
- 5.0 Supplementary Information
- 6.0 Implementation
Notice No. DGTP-007-97 — Spectrum Policy Provisions to Permit the Use of Digital Radio Broadcasting Installations to Provide Non-Broadcasting Services (SP-1452 MHz)
The purpose of this Notice is to announce the release of a spectrum policy document under the above-mentioned title. These spectrum policy provisions permit the use of Digital Radio Broadcasting (DRB) installations to provide non-broadcasting services. Also, this policy is extended to include subsidiary communications multiplex operation (SCMO) on FM stations for non-broadcasting services. This completes the public consultation process which began on January 24, 1997 with the release of the document entitled Proposed Spectrum Policy Provisions to Permit the Use of Digital Radio Broadcasting Installations to Provide Non-Broadcasting Services (DGTP-002-97).
Based on the assessment of public comments made during the review and internal study, the Department has developed policy provisions which apply to digital radio broadcasting installations and analogue FM installations that provide such services.
It should be noted that significant public input was received in support of this policy from both the broadcasting and the mobile wireless communities.
This above-mentioned spectrum policy is available electronically via the Internet at the following addresses:
World Wide Web (WWW)
Spectrum Management and Telecommunications
Copies of the subject document are also available from the Communications Branch, Industry Canada, 235 Queen Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H5, 613-947-7466, and from the offices of Industry Canada at Moncton, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver.
September 27, 1997
Michael Helm
Director General
Telecommunications Policy Branch
1.0 Introduction
The purpose of this policy document is to establish minimum policy provisions for the use of Digital Radio Broadcasting (DRB) installations to provide non-broadcasting services. Also, these provisions are extended to include subsidiary communications multiplex operation (SCMO) on FM stations for non-broadcasting services. The release of this policy completes the public consultation process which began on January 24, 1997 with the release of the document entitled Proposed Spectrum Policy Provisions to Permit the Use of Digital Radio Broadcasting Installations to Provide Non-Broadcasting Services (DGTP-002-97).
Based on the assessment of public comments made during the review and internal study, the Department herewith sets the spectrum policy provisions which apply to digital radio broadcasting and FM/SCMO installations that provide non-broadcasting services. It is Industry Canada's view that the transmission of non-broadcasting services using the spare capacity of DRB and FM installations will provide a choice of innovative wireless services to consumers and make for more efficient use of radio facilities.
2.0 Spectrum Policy for DRB Installations
The use of DRB installations to provide non-broadcasting services in the broadcasting band 1452-1492 MHz is subject to the following policy provisions:
- The use of DRB transmission capacity to provide program-associated data services, such as the alphanumeric transmission of supplementary information and advertising, is permitted under the authority of a broadcasting certificate issued under the Radiocommunication Act.
- The use of DRB transmission capacity to provide non-broadcasting services which are not related to the broadcasting program, such as radio paging and alphanumeric data transmission, is permitted provided that:
- the primary spectrum objective to provide transmission capacity for five audio broadcasting programs of CD-like quality is not compromised; and
- non-broadcasting services are authorized under the Radiocommunication Act and the Radiocommunication Regulations and are subject to an applicable authorization fee and to any requirements under the Telecommunications Act.
- The use of DRB transmission capacity for non-broadcasting services (program-associated services and those services that are not program-associated) shall not prevent future use of the full complement of five high quality CD-like transmission channels for audio broadcasting programming. Spectrum Policy Provisions to Permit the Use of Digital Radio Broadcasting Installations to Provide Non-Broadcasting Services SP-1452
- Where third party access to DRB installations is made available for non-broadcasting services, the transmission capacity should be offered on a non-discriminatory basis.
- Users of DRB transmission capacity for non-broadcasting services cannot be guaranteed priority access to DRB installations as the spectrum capacity may be needed for DRB programming services. The designated spectrum must accommodate the long term requirement of digital radio broadcasting services.
3.0 Spectrum Policy for Subsidiary Communications Multiplex Operation on FM Facilities
The use of SCMO on FM channel sub-carriers to provide non-broadcasting services in the VHF frequency band 88–108 MHz is subject to the following policy provisions:
- The use of FM/SCMO transmission capacity to provide program-associated services related to in-house operations, such as broadcasting station monitoring and control, cue and control of remote broadcasting stations and standby studio transmitter links, is permitted under the authority of a broadcasting certificate issued under the Radiocommunication Act.
- The use of FM/SCMO transmission capacity to provide non-broadcasting services which are not related to the broadcasting program, such as radio paging and alphanumeric data transmission, is permitted provided that these non-broadcasting services are authorized under the Radiocommunication Act and the Radiocommunication Regulations and are subject to an applicable authorization fee and to any requirements under the Telecommunications Act.
4.0 Radio Licensing
Industry Canada will release a proposed Client Procedures Circular (CPC) in which procedures will be set out regarding authorization of non-broadcasting services using the DRB and FM/SCMO facilities based on the above-mentioned policy provisions. These procedures will take note of the comments received during the public consultation on such issues as fees, timing of licensing and conditions of operation.
5.0 Supplementary Information
- Canadian Table of Frequency Allocations (Revised 1995)
- Allotment Plan for Digital Radio Broadcasting (DRB), Issue 1 (Notice No. SMBR-001-96, June 15, 1996).
6.0 Implementation
Applicants should contact the Chief, Authorization, Operational Policies, Procedures and Programs at 613-990-4747 or facsimile 613-952-9871 regarding the future procedures on authorization of the use of DRB and FM/SCMO installations to provide the non-broadcasting services outlined in this policy.
Issued under the authority of the Radiocommunication Act
Michael Helm
Director General
Telecommunications Policy Branch