Office of Consumer Affairs

The Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA) promotes the interests and protection of Canadian consumers. Well-informed and confident consumers help stimulate competition and innovation in the Canadian marketplace.

Consumer research and development

Canadian Consumer Protection Initiative

Find consumer research and learn about the Office of Consumer Affairs' program which supports organizations to produce independent research and help strengthen the consumer's role in the marketplace.

Stabilizing grocery prices

Information on government initiatives to help stabilize food prices

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Stabilizing grocery prices

Information on government initiatives to help stabilize food prices

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Stabilizing grocery prices

Information on government initiatives to help stabilize food prices

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Stabilizing grocery prices

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Information for consumers

Buying and leasing big-ticket items

Learn more about buying, renting and leasing homes, vehicles and travel services.

The connected consumer

Stay secure while shopping online and using connected devices.

The modern marketplace

Keep up-to-date on shopping and sales practices.

Business practices and consumer concerns

Discover useful information about refunds, misleading advertising, unfair business practices and more.

Money, debt and giving

Information for consumers about money, debt, and giving.

Be a green consumer

How to make safe and eco-friendly choices in the marketplace.

Product safety, recalls and labelling

Learn more about product safety, recalls, and labelling.

Identity theft, spam and fraud

Information on how to recognize and protect yourself from identity theft, spam, and electronic threats.



The Complaint Roadmap

Learn more about the complaint processes for different consumer issues.


Consumer Hub

Find answers to your transportation, financial services and telecommunications and broadcasting questions.


Federal, provincial and territorial consumer affairs offices

Not finding the answers you need to resolve a consumer issue? Consult your provincial or territorial consumer affairs office for help.

Federal consumer protection legislation in Canada

Federal agencies and departments are responsible for enforcing legislation related to various issues, such as consumer product safety, misleading advertising, privacy complaints and more.

Stay informed

Contact us

Ask us

Contact us about a consumer affairs question or concern.

For all media enquiries please contact the ISED Media Relations Team.

Corporate information

About us

Learn more about the Office of Consumer Affairs, our mandate, strategic directions, and who we work with.