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G-16—Recognition of gas meter test results from test facilities and laboratories

Category: Gas
Issue date: 2025-02-04
Effective date: 2025-02-04
Revision number: 11
Supersedes: G-16 (rev. 10)

Table of contents

1.0 Purpose

This bulletin describes the requirements and conditions for the recognition by Measurement Canada of gas meter test results from test facilities and laboratories. Test results from recognized facilities and laboratories may be used by Measurement Canada for the purposes of meter calibration, type approval and measurement dispute investigation or by a Measurement Canada accredited organization for the purposes of verification, reverification and sealing of meters.

2.0 Scope

This bulletin applies to test facilities and laboratories who want to have their test results recognized by Measurement Canada for the purposes described above or by Measurement Canada's Engineering and Laboratory Services for the purpose of generating certificates of calibration for reference meters.

3.0 Limitations

This recognition does not delegate or confer any legal authority upon the operator of the test facility or laboratory to certify measuring apparatus or to verify meters pursuant to the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act (EGIA).

To satisfy the requirements of the EGIA, the use of test results from recognized test facilities and laboratories is limited to Measurement Canada and accredited meter verifiers. In addition, recognition of test results is limited to the test capacities listed for each facility or laboratory in this bulletin's appendices.

4.0 Conditions and requirements

4.1 Evaluation of test capacities and ranges

A facility or laboratory seeking recognition of its test results must provide to Measurement Canada for evaluation purposes the required information listed in Table 1.

Table 1: Summary of required information
Required information Explanation and/or examples
Name and contact information Name, address, contact person's telephone number and email address
Scope Pipeline meters used for the trade of natural gas and/or
calibration of reference meters for measuring apparatus
Type of meter(s) under test (MUT)


  • Rotary, turbine, ultrasonic, vortex, Coriolis mass flow, differential pressure producers
Flow range Minimum to maximum – natural gas or an alternative test medium
  • Pressure range – natural gas
  • Atmospheric – air
Temperature (test medium)
  • 5 °C to +25 °C (seasonal ambient) – natural gas
  • 20±5 °C (controlled) – air
Size of meters
  • Pipe size (diameter): NPS (or DN)
  • Flange class: ANSI rating
Relative expanded uncertainty (k = 2, 95% confidence interval)

Include ranges of flow and run designation, if applicable, and indicate the test medium and application.


  • Pipeline meters – natural gas
  • Reference meters – air

Test medium


  • Pipeline meters – natural gas
  • Reference meters – air or alternative test medium

Existing accreditations and reference numbers


  • ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 9001, CLAS certificate number

Reference agency or NMI


  • National Research Council Canada (NRC)
  • Measurement Canada
Supporting documentation All the listed documents and publications to be provided to Measurement Canada to support the request for recognition.

4.2 Processes and limitations

Measurement Canada's Engineering and Laboratory Services perform a technical evaluation in order to assess the test facility or laboratory's ability to provide the test results to the values stated in Table 1.

The evaluation method employed depends on the level of the facility or laboratory on the international metrological traceability chain and current certifications or accreditation. Upon recognition, the facility or laboratory is listed in one of the four appendices found in this bulletin, as described below.

Appendix A lists recognized national measurement institutes (NMIs) who are signatories to the Bureau international des poids et mesures (BIPM) Mutual recognition of national measurement standards and of calibration and measurement certificates issued by national metrology institutes (1999) and whose calibration and measurement capabilities are listed in Appendix C of the BIPM mutual recognition agreement and evaluated by participating in the International Key Comparison. No additional review of these institutes outside of the key comparison is conducted. These institutes, by way of their inclusion in the BIPM mutual recognition agreement, are considered to have met the requirements of this bulletin.

Appendix B lists test facilities and laboratories that have been designated by a country whose NMI is listed in Appendix A. These test facilities and laboratories are supported, but not owned by the designating country. As these NMIs are signatories to the BIPM mutual recognition agreement and included in Appendix C of the agreement, no additional review is conducted by Measurement Canada as they are considered to have met the requirements of this bulletin.

Appendix C lists recognized test facilities and laboratories that have been accredited to ISO 17025 by an organization who is recognized by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), to which the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is a signatory member. This appendix also lists laboratories that have been accredited under the Calibration Laboratory Assessment Service (CLAS) in Canada and the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) in the United States. A documentation review and on-site technical review of these facilities and laboratories are conducted by Measurement Canada to ensure they meet the requirements of this bulletin.

Appendix D lists recognized test facilities and laboratories that have been accredited under an accreditation program other than the ones mentioned in appendices A, B and C. An in-depth technical review of these facilities and laboratories is conducted by Measurement Canada to ensure they meet the requirements of this bulletin.

Appendix E lists test facilities and laboratories currently under evaluation by Measurement Canada for initial recognition or renewal of their existing recognition. Unless otherwise indicated, Measurement Canada will continue to accept test results from the recognized facilities and laboratories listed in this appendix.

4.3 Evaluation criteria

Measurement Canada's evaluation process focuses on the criteria stated in subsections 4.3.1 to 4.3.7 of this bulletin. It is therefore recommended that the documentation provided to Measurement Canada be organized in relation to these subsections.

Test facilities and laboratories must provide any technical documentation relating to sections 6.3 to 6.5 and 7.3 to 7.8 of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories and must reference the related sections of that standard in their documentation.

4.3.1 Traceability

Test facilities and laboratories must submit sufficient information to demonstrate traceability to a relevant national standard.

A certificate of accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 by an accrediting body recognized by the NRC or the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is considered as proof of compliance.

4.3.2 Measurement uncertainty

Test facilities and laboratories must state the overall measurement uncertainty of their test results and the method used in its determination. The method used must be as prescribed in the ISO Guide for the Expression of Uncertainty (GUM).

If recognition of test results is for the purpose of trade meter calibration, the expanded uncertainty must be less than 0.33% of the applicable device tolerance at the 95% confidence interval in order for the facility or laboratory to be recognized by Measurement Canada. If recognition is for the purpose of calibration of reference meters, a further reduced uncertainty value will be expected. Note that no indication of the value of uncertainty stated by any test facility or laboratory is provided in this bulletin's appendices.

4.3.3 Proficiency testing and monitoring of results

In order to assess the proficiency of test facilities and laboratories and ensure their continued compliance with the requirements of this bulletin, they must use monitoring processes such as:

  • participating in intercomparisons of meter calibrations with one or more laboratories or test facilities recognized by Measurement Canada,
  • monitoring the performance of reference standards,
  • using check or monitoring standards.

The results of these monitoring processes must be provided to Measurement Canada upon request.

Measurement Canada may require proficiency testing to assess test facilities and laboratories.

4.3.4 Status indicators

A recognized test facility or laboratory must affix a status indicator on meters that have been calibrated and are presented to Measurement Canada for verification or reverification or on meters that are the subject of a dispute. In instances where the meter can be sealed, the facility or laboratory must affix a seal on the meter in order to prevent unauthorized access to the meter's adjustments. The facility or laboratory must be identified on the affixed seal.

Meters tested or calibrated at a recognized test facility or laboratory must be verified and sealed by Measurement Canada or an accredited meter verifier, prior to being placed into service.

4.3.5 Test reports

A recognized test facility or laboratory must include the following information in its test reports:

  • a title (e.g. Test Report),
  • their name and address and the location where the tests were carried out, if different from the facility or laboratory's address,
  • a unique identifier for the test report (such as a document number) that is included on each page in order to ensure that the page is recognized as part of the test report,
  • the name and address of the organization who owns the meter and requested the testing,
  • the description and identifier (such as a serial number) of the meter that was tested, including the serial numbers of all controlled components, where required,
  • the date(s) on which the testing was performed,
  • the test or calibration results with the units of measurement, including all details necessary to demonstrate that Measurement Canada's metrological performance requirements have been assessed,
  • identification of the test procedures that were followed and any installed meter accessories or influencing components, as applicable,
  • the stated uncertainty at the 95% confidence interval associated with the test results,
  • an indication of any factors not included in the estimate of uncertainty.

4.3.6 Design and construction of test equipment

The test facility or laboratory must submit information related to the design and construction of the test equipment, process and instrumentation drawings, and instrumentation specifications for all the equipment used to obtain meter test results.

4.3.7 Technical procedures

The test facility or laboratory must submit copies of the test procedures used to calibrate meters. Note that a certificate of accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 by an accrediting body recognized by the NRC or SCC is considered as proof of compliance.

5.0 Recognition review

Measurement Canada monitors the performance of recognized test facilities and laboratories and determines whether they should continue to be recognized based upon the results of the review. Recognized test facilities and laboratories are reevaluated every four (4) years. Measurement Canada may perform on-site audits as part of the evaluation and monitoring of recognized test facilities and laboratories.

Measurement Canada's recognition process and requirements are periodically evaluated for effectiveness and suitability, and may be modified or discontinued as necessary. Recognized test facilities and laboratories must be prepared to update their processes and procedures to meet any new or modified administrative or technical requirements. They may also be required to meet certain quality system requirements as Measurement Canada adjusts its recognition program.

5.1 List of recognized test facilities and laboratories

Detailed listings of the test facilities and laboratories that have been recognized by Measurement Canada are provided in this bulletin's appendices.

6.0 Revisions

The purpose of revision 11 was to:

  • update the Colorado Engineering Experiment Station Inc.(CEESI) capabilities with respect to flow range, pressure range and pipe size,
  • remove the Rosselle facility from the bulletin, as requested by the facility.

The purpose of revision 10 was to update the flow range and size of meters shown for the TransCanada Calibrations (TCC) facility.

The purpose of revision 9 was to:

  • correct the temperature range for VSL apparatuses NE04 and NE05,
  • add recognition of the VSL travelling reference meter method,
  • add recognition of the DNV GL test facility in Groningen, Netherlands.

The purpose of revision 8 was to add recognition of the NMi Certin B.V. test facility.

The purpose of revision 7 was to update the Colorado Engineering Experiment Station Inc.(CEESI) capabilities.

The purpose of revision 6 was to:

  • add recognition of the FORCE and Euroloop test facilities,
  • remove the Gasunie Research facility,
  • update all other recognized laboratory capabilities where needed,
  • update the ISO17025 references to the most current version,
  • make formatting changes.

The purpose of revision 5 was to:

  • recognize name changes for the NMI and Terasen Gas,
  • make minor editorial changes in claimed laboratory capabilities,
  • clarify the purpose of the bulletin as it relates to accredited meter verifiers.

The purpose of revision 4 was to:

  • remove the former restriction on the use of test results from recognized test facilities by organizations accredited by Measurement Canada,
  • correct typographical errors in the rated maximum flow rate shown for various test facilities.

The purpose of revision 3 was to:

  • reformat the bulletin,
  • add information relating to the assessment process,
  • update and expand the information concerning previously recognized test facilities,
  • lapse the recognition of the TransCanada Pipelines Ltd. (TCPL) test facility,
  • add recognition of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Terasen Gas Inc. and the Dresser, Inc. test facilities.

The purpose of revision 2 was to:

  • add recognition of the TransCanada Pipelines Ltd. (TCPL) test facility,
  • change "Equimeter Inc." to "Invensys Energy Metering".

The purpose of revision 1 was to add recognition of the TransCanada Calibrations Ltd. (TCC) test facility.

Appendix A: Recognized national measurement institutes (NMI)

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig, Germany

Calibration of reference meters for measuring apparatus
Existing accreditations
ISO/IEC 17025
Reference agency or NMI
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
BIPM Key Comparison Database, Appendix C – Calibration and Measurement Capabilities, Mass and Related Quantities (DE35, DE36, DE37, DE43, DE44)
Type of MUT
Rotary, turbine, ultrasonic, vortex and orifice meters
Flow Range(s)
  • 0.1 to 5600 m3/h
  • 0.12 to 6720 kg/h
20±5 °C (ambient)
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS ⅜" to 16" (DN 10 to DN 400)
Test medium
Type of MUT
Turbine and rotary meters
Flow range
  • 200 to 24,000 m3/h
  • 240 to 28,800 kg/h
20±5 °C (ambient)
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 4" to 24" (DN 100 to DN 600)
Test medium
Type of MUT
Turbine and rotary meters
Flow range
  • 3 to 480 m3/h
  • 200 to 22,000 kg/h
0.8 to 5.6 MPa
20±5 °C (ambient)
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 2" to 6" (DN 50 to DN 150)
Test medium
Natural gas
Type of MUT
Turbine, rotary and ultrasonic meters
Flow range
  • 0.015 to 100 m3/h
  • 0.03 to 800 kg/h
0.12 to 0.8 MPa
20±5 °C (ambient)
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 1" to 4" (DN 25 to DN 100)
Test medium
Type of MUT
Turbine, rotary and ultrasonic meters
Flow range
  • 0.015 to 250 m3/h
  • 0.03 to 350 kg/h
0.1 to 0.5 MPa
  • 20±5 °C (ambient)
  • 45 °C to 80 °C (flowing)
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 1" to 4" (DN 25 to DN 100)
Test medium

VSL, Delft, The Netherlands

Calibration of reference meters for measuring apparatus
Existing accreditations
ISO/IEC 17025
Reference agency or NMI
  • VSL
  • BIPM Key Comparison Database, Appendix C – Calibration and Measurement Capabilities, Mass and Related Quantities (NE04, NE05, NE08)
Bell prover 3 (NE04)
Type of MUT
Rotary, turbine meters
Flow range
1 to 400 m3/h
Ambient air
20±0.5 °C (controlled)
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS ⅜" to 4" (DN 10 to DN 100)
Test medium
Large test bench (NE05)
Type of MUT
Rotary, turbine, ultrasonic meters
Flow range
15 to 15,000 m3/h
Ambient air
20±0.5 °C (controlled)
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 3" to 24" (DN 80 to DN 600)
Test medium
Gas oil piston prover (NE08)
Type of MUT
Rotary meters
Flow range
5 to 230 m3/h
0.1 to 6.1 MPa
20±5 °C (controlled)
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 4" (DN 100)
Test medium
Natural gas

Appendix B: BIPM recognized test facilities and laboratories

Euroloop, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Meters used for the trade of natural gas, and calibration of reference meters for measuring apparatus
Existing accreditations
ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (RvA K 161)
Reference agency or NMI
  • Measurements traceable to VSL, The Netherlands
  • BIPM Key Comparison Database, Appendix C – Calibration and Measurement Capabilities, Mass and Related Quantities (VSL/NE06)
Type of MUT
Rotary, turbine, ultrasonic and Coriolis meters
Flow ranges
  • 20 to 30,000 m3/h
  • 200 to 1,600,000 kg/h
0.9 to 6.3 MPa
Partly controlled
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 4" to 36" (DN 100 to DN 900)
Test medium
Natural gas

FORCE Technologies, Vejen, Denmark

Meters used for the trade of natural gas, and calibration of reference meters for measuring apparatus
Existing accreditations
ISO/IEC 17025
Reference agency or NMI
  • FORCE Technologies, Denmark
  • BIPM Key Comparison Database, Appendix C – Calibration and Measurement Capabilities, Mass and Related Quantities (DK4, DK5, DK6, DK11, DK42)
Type of MUT
Turbine, ultrasonic, vortex and Coriolis meters
Flow range
  • 1 to 4,000 m3/h
  • 1 to 5,200 kg/h
20±2 °C (ambient)
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 1" to 12" (DN 25 to DN 300)
Test medium
Type of MUT
Turbine, ultrasonic, vortex, rotary and Coriolis meters
Flow range
65 to 25,000 m3/h
20±5 °C (ambient)
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 1" to 50" (DN 25 to DN 1250)
Test medium
Line 2 (DK6)
Type of MUT
Turbine, ultrasonic, vortex and rotary meters
Flow range
5 to 5,000 m3/h
0 MPa to 0.8 MPa
20±3 °C (ambient)
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 1" to 8" (DN 25 to DN 200)
Test medium
Type of MUT
Turbine, ultrasonic, vortex, differential pressure and Coriolis meters
Flow range
5 to 32,000 m3/h
0.3 to 6.5 MPa
20±5 °C (ambient)
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 1" to 50" (DN 25 to DN 1250)
Test medium
Natural gas
Piston prover (DK42)
Type of MUT
Turbine, vortex and rotary meters
Flow range
2 to 400 m3/h
0 MPa to 6.5 MPa
20±5 °C (ambient)
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 1" to 6" (DN 25 to DN 150)
Test medium
Air and natural gas

PIGSAR facility (Ruhrgas), Dorsten, Germany

Meters used for the trade of natural gas, and calibration of reference meters for measuring apparatus
Existing accreditations
ISO/IEC 17025
Reference agency or NMI
  • Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Germany
  • BIPM Key Comparison Database, Appendix C – Calibration and
  • Measurement Capabilities, Mass and Related Quantities (DE38)
Type of MUT
Turbine, ultrasonic and Coriolis meters
Flow range
  • 3 to 7,200 m3/h
  • 23 to 350,000 kg/h
1.5 to 5.6 MPa
Partly controlled ambient
Size of meters
  • Pipe size: NPS 3" to 16" (DN 80 to DN 400)
  • Flange class: ANSI 600
Test medium
Natural gas

TransCanada Calibrations (TCC), Île-des-Chênes, Manitoba, Canada

Meters used for the trade of natural gas, and calibration of reference meters for measuring apparatus
Existing accreditations
  • ISO/IEC 17025:1999
  • ISO 9001
  • NRC CLAS certificate number 2005-04
Reference agency or NMI
  • National Research Council Canada
  • Measurements traceable to VSL, The Netherlands
  • BIPM Key Comparison Database, Appendix C – Calibration and
  • Measurement Capabilities, Mass and Related Quantities (TCC/9)
Type of MUT
Volumetric flow meters
Flow range
10 to 55,000 m3/h
6.4 ±0.5 MPa
Partly controlled
Size of meters
  • Pipe size: NPS 1" to 42" (DN 25 to DN 1050)
  • Flange class: ANSI 600, 900, 1500, 2500
Test medium
Natural gas

Appendix C: Recognized test facilities and laboratories accredited under another institute or accreditation program

Colorado Engineering Experiment Station Inc. (CEESI), Garner, Iowa, USA

Meters used for the trade of natural gas, and calibration of reference meters for measuring apparatus
Existing accreditations
  • ISO/IEC 17025
  • A2LA Certificate Number 5717.01
Reference agency or NMI
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Types of MUT
  • Rotary, turbine, ultrasonic, vortex and Coriolis meters, and
  • differential pressure producers
Flow range
900 to 1,330,000 acfh
1050 psia
13 °C to 28 °C (seasonal ambient)
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 2" to 36" (DN 50 to DN 900)
Test medium
Natural gas

Colorado Engineering Experiment Station Inc. (CEESI), Nunn, Colorado, USA

Meters used for the trade of natural gas, and calibration of reference meters for measuring apparatus
Existing accreditations
  • ISO/IEC 17025
  • A2LA Certificate Number 5717.01
Reference agency or NMI
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Type of MUT
Rotary, turbine, ultrasonic, vortex and Coriolis meters, and differential pressure producers
Flow range
0.005 to 94 lb/s
Atmospheric to 1100 psia
15 °C to 38 °C
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS ¼" to 12" (DN 8 to DN 300)
Test medium
Natural gas
Type of MUT
Rotary, turbine, ultrasonic, vortex and Coriolis meters, and differential pressure producers
Flow range
0.005 to 5100 lb/min
Atmospheric to 2200 psia
15 °C to 38 °C
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS ¼" to 36" (DN 8 to DN 900)
Test medium

DNV GL, Groningen, The Netherlands

Meters used for the trade of natural gas
Existing accreditations
ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (RvA K 103)
Reference agency or NMI
Measurements traceable to Force Technologies, Denmark
Type of MUT
Rotary, turbine, ultrasonic, vortex, and Coriolis meters
Flow range
422 to 29,300 m3/h
0.9 to 4.1 MPa (abs.)
18 °C to 30 °C
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 1" to NPS 8" (DN 25 to DN 200)
Test medium
Natural gas

Euroloop, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Meters used for the trade of natural gas, and calibration of reference meters for measuring apparatus
Existing accreditations
ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (RvA K 161)
Reference agency or NMI
Measurements traceable to VSL, The Netherlands
Type of MUT
Turbine and ultrasonic meters
Flow range
5 to 10,000 m3/h
0.85 to 0.95 MPa (abs.)
Partly controlled
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 6" to NPS 16" (DN 150 to DN 400)
Test medium
Natural gas

FortisBC Energy Inc., Triple Point Turbine Meter Calibration Facility, Penticton, B.C., Canada

Pipeline meters used for the trade of natural gas, and calibration of reference meters for measuring apparatus
Existing accreditations
  • Measurement Canada S-A-01 certificate number A0442
  • ISO/IEC 17025
  • Accredited laboratory number 778
  • NRC CLAS certificate number 2013-01
Reference agency or NMI
Measurements traceable to FORCE Technologies, Denmark
Type of MUT
Turbine and Coriolis meters
Flow range
  • 10 to 6,500 m3/h
  • 350 to 230,000 acfh
  • 1,600 to 18,250 lb/hr
  • 20 to 1,654 kPa – absolute
  • 3 to 240 psia
5.0 °C to 35 °C (41 °F to 95 °F) – controlled
Size of meters
  • Pipe size: NPS 2" to 12" (DN 50 to DN 300)
  • Flange class : ANSI 150, 300 and 600
Test medium
Carbon dioxide gas (CO2)

NMi Certin B.V, Delft, The Netherlands

Type-approval evaluation of gas meters and measuring systems for gaseous fuels
Existing accreditations
  • ISO 17020: RvA I122
  • ISO 17025: RvA L029
Reference agency or NMI
Measurements traceable to VSL, The Netherlands
Type of MUT
Diaphragm, rotary, turbine, thermal mass, ultrasonic, Coriolis and vortex meters, electronic volume conversion devices (EVCD), calorific value determining devices (CVDD) and gas chromatographs
Flow range
0.4 to 1600 m3/h
Atmospheric to 100 mbar(g)
-32 °C to 62 °C
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 3/8" to 1½" (DN 10 to DN 40)
Test medium
Type of MUT
Diaphragm, rotary, turbine, thermal mass, ultrasonic, Coriolis and vortex meters, EVCD, CVDD and gas chromatographs
Flow range
0.016 to 10 m3/h
35 to 65 mbar(g)
-32 °C to 62 °C
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 3/8" to 1½" (DN 10 to DN 40)
Test medium
Pure methane or H, L and E gases according to EN 437

VSL, Delft, The Netherlands

Calibration of reference meters for measuring apparatus
Existing accreditations
ISO/IEC 17025 (RvA scope number K999)
Reference agency or NMI
Measurements traceable to VSL, The Netherlands
On-site calibration via travelling reference meters
Type of MUT
Rotary, turbine, ultrasonic and vortex meters
Flow range
0.1 to 10,000 m3/h
Ambient air
20±5 °C (ambient)
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 2" to NPS 20" (DN 50 to DN 500)
Test medium

Appendix D: Recognized test facilities and laboratories accredited under some other accreditation program

Dresser Inc., Houston, Texas, USA

Calibration of reference meters for measuring apparatus
Existing accreditations
Nederlands Meetinstituut (NMI) traceable to project number 215038 (2003)
Reference agency or NMI
Nederlands Meetinstituut (NMI) and NMI Certin B.V. (27233418), The Netherlands
Bell prover (50 ft3, 20 ft3 and 10 ft3)
Type of MUT
Rotary reference meters used in Dresser Model 5 transfer provers
Flow range
35 to 6,600 ft3/h
21±1 °C
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 1.5" to 4" (DN 40 to DN 100)
Flange class: ANSI 150, 300
Test medium
Piston prover (1200 ft3)
Type of MUT
Rotary reference meters used in Dresser Model 5 transfer provers
Flow range
2300 to 87,250 ft3/h
21±1 °C
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 4" to 12" (DN 100 to DN 300)
Flange class: ANSI 150, 300
Test medium

Appendix E: Test facilities and laboratories whose recognition is under evaluation by Measurement Canada

Sensus USA Inc., DuBois, Pennsylvania, USA

Pipeline meters used for the trade of natural gas, and calibration of reference meters for measuring apparatus
Existing accreditations
ISO 9001:2015, certification number 62851-IS7 and
ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 calibration compliance
Reference agency or NMI
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
50 ft3 bell prover
Type of MUT
Turbine, rotary and ultrasonic meters
Flow range
1 to 115 m3/h
22.5±1.5 °C (controlled)
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 1" to 4" (DN 25 to DN 100)
Test medium
500 ft3 bell prover
Type of MUT
Turbine meters
Flow range
0.5 to 4,000 m3/h
22.5±1.5 °C (controlled)
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 2" to 12" (DN 50 to DN 300)
Test medium
Recirculating loop and vacuum lines
Type of MUT
Turbine meters
Flow range
10 to 107,000 m3/h
0.17 to 6.2 MPa
27 °C to 49 °C
Size of meters
Pipe size: NPS 2" to 12" (DN 50 to DN 300)
Test medium