The Consumer Measures Committee ( CMC ) provides a federal-provincial-territorial ( FPT ) forum for national cooperation to improve the marketplace for Canadian consumers. The committee is made up of representatives from the federal government as well as every province and territory. They work on harmonizing laws, regulations and practices, as well as raising public awareness on consumer protection issues.
The CMC was originally created under the 1995 Agreement on Internal Trade (1995 AIT ) to cooperate and improve efficiencies for consumers. On July 1, 2017, the Canadian Free Trade Agreement ( CFTA ) replaced the 1995 agreement.
Representatives from the federal government and each province and territory make up the Consumer Measures Committee.
Working groups
The Consumer Measures Committee brings together experts in consumer issues from the public and private sectors. Sub-committees and working groups are created to explore and address specific consumer issues, set goals and then work toward achieving them.
Formal agreements
A list of formal harmonization agreements that have been completed by the Consumer Measures Committee.
Partners and related links
Links to the websites of partners, organizations and initiatives related to the Consumer Measures Committee.
Contact the CMC secretariat
Need to contact the CMC secretariat on administrative matters? You can reach us at the Office of Consumer Affairs via mail.
Consumer Measures Committee c/o the Office of Consumer Affairs
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
235 Queen Street
Ottawa ON K1A 0H5
Media enquiries:
For all media enquiries, please call 343‑291‑1777..
Consumer complaints and enquiries:
For consumer enquiries, please contact Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.