Trademark Online Services – Release Notes

We strive to deliver online services that are modern, consistent with and reflective of changing legislation, practices and meet our clients' needs. We aim to implement improvements and fixes to our services to facilitate an efficient and timely online experience.

This page serves to provide information on the releases that have been implemented for each online service.  As a result, for each release, you can expect to read the following information: What's New, What's Improved and What's Fixed.

For any additional questions, you can contact us by email at:

Access Canadian Trademarks Database

Access Trademark E-Services

Trademark Document Retrieval Service (TDRS)

Create and update an agent account for correspondence

Trademark E-Services

There was a release implemented by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office:

Release update – November 7, 2024 at 7:00 a.m. (EST)

What's Improved?

The left-hand navigation and some of the service options and page titles within the Trademark E-Service pages have been updated:

  • Amend: Amend a previously filed national OR international application replaces Amend: Amend a previously filed national application.
  • International: Create or modify an application for international registration (Canada as Office of Origin) replaces International: Create or modify an application for international registration.
Release update – August 29, 2024, at 7:00 a.m. (EDT)

What’s Improved?

The left-hand navigation and some of the service options and page titles within the Trademark E-Service pages have been updated:

  • New: Create a new national application replaces New: Create a new application;
  • Amend: Amend a previously filed national application replaces New: Amend a previously filed application; and
  • International: Create or modify an application for international registration replaces International: Create an application for international registration
Release update – July 17, 2024, at 7:00 a.m. (EDT)

What's New?

File an amended application

  • Cart validation: If the status of the application or mark has changed from an active status to an inactive status while sitting in the cart, the system will prevent the submission of the transaction. The user will need to remove the request that pertains to the inactive application or mark from the cart, to proceed with submitting any of the remaining valid transactions.

Group goods or services (Nice Classification)

  • The ability to select one of the following options in which to group and class the goods and services of a registered mark is now available:
    1. Retrieve the information currently in our internal database; or
    2. Select from a list of previous group and class requests
Release update – May 30, 2024, at 7:00 am (EDT)

What's new?

In order to gain full access to the Trademark and Trademark Opposition Board e-services, users must acknowledge the following statement. Once the statement is acknowledged, the services available will display.

Statement acknowledgment

Clients wishing to access Trademark and Trademark Opposition Board online services must acknowledge the statement below by clicking the "Acknowledge" button once every 30 days.

All information submitted to the Trademarks Office or the Trademarks Opposition Board will be published to the Canadian Trademarks Database and immediately made available as submitted for public inspection on the Trademarks Document Retrieval Service.

Release update – March 7, 2024, at 7:00 a.m. (EST)

What's Improved?

Send general correspondence –

  • The following request type can now be submitted for Protocol applications via the online service:
    • Notification of Third Party Rights
Release update - January 25, 2024, at 7:00 a.m. (EST)

What's New?

Send general correspondence

  • Clients can now send filing of court documents and judgement through e-services by sending it from a new option in the general correspondence menu. An attachment is mandatory. The correspondence will also be displayed on TDRS

What's Improved?

Amend a previously filed application

  • When submitting an amendment for a protocol application through e-services, users will no longer have the ability to select the “pre-approved” good or services list or change the NICE class edition.

What's Fixed?

Ownership changes, agreements, and agent appointments

  • When an appointment of agent transactions is submitted through eServices, the confirmation of change will no longer be sent to the owner. The confirmation will now only be sent to the agent on file.
Release update – March 6, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. (EST)

What's New?

  • An access point to the Trademark Document Retrieval Service (TDRS) has been created on the Trademark E-Services main page.

What's Improved?

Create a new application –

  • The preferred language when receiving correspondence from the Office has been moved to the bottom of "Applicant details" page;
  • The applicant can now select their preferred method of correspondence to receive correspondence from the Office for their application. This is the method the Office will use if there is no agent of record appointed to their application.

Amend a previously filed application –

  • The applicant details can no longer be updated on the "Applicant details" section. A request must be sent using the appropriate request type within the "Ownership and representation" service.

Group goods or services (Nice Classification) –

  • On the "Submitted by an agent" section, the email address provided by the agent or firm is displayed. This is the email address that will be used by the Office to send all correspondence, if their preferred method of correspondence is electronic.

Ownership and representation –

  • A new transaction called "Request electronic correspondence" has been added for owners and applicants only;
  • The following request types are no longer available:
    1. Transfer of ownership – Merger
    2. Transfer of ownership – Amalgamation
    3. Transfer of ownership – Nunc Pro Tunc
  • The request type "Transfer of ownership – Assignment" has been modified and is now called "Transfer of ownership";
  • The request as submitted via the online service is sufficient to process the transaction types below. As such the ability to add attachments has been removed.
    • Change of Name
    • Change of Address
    • Change of Name and address
    • Appointment of Agent
    • Revocation of Agent
    • Change of agent's "Attention to"
  • A new column called "New reference no." has been added, as such a unique reference number for each of the applications in the request can now be added;
  • In the "Agent" section, the email address provided by the agent or firm is displayed. This is the email address that will be used by the Office to send all correspondence, if their preferred method of correspondence chosen is electronic.

Create a new application –
Amend a previously filed application –

  • On the "Appointment of trademark agent" section, the email address provided by the agent or firm is displayed. This is the email address that will be used by the Office to send all correspondence, if their preferred method of correspondence chosen is electronic.

Create a new application –
Amend a previously filed application –
Group goods or services (Nice Classification) –

  • The "Correspondence details" section has been removed.

Create a new application –
Amend a previously filed application –
Group goods or services (Nice Classification) –
General correspondence -
Ownership and representation –

  • In the "Electronic payment confirmation" screen a message indicating that all documents related to your transactions can be retrieved through the Trademark Documents Retrieval Service (TDRS) has been added.
Release update – , at 12:01 a.m. (EST)

What's New?

Filing a new application –
Amend a previously filed application –

  • The Office applies the 12th Edition of the Nice Classification.
Release update – January 6, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. (EST)

What's New?

  • The "Trademark E-Filing" online service has been renamed to "Trademark E-Services".
  • The following correspondence types have been removed from the online General Correspondence service:
    1. Appointment of agent or revocation of agent;
    2. Change of name or address;
    3. Transfer of ownership;
    4. License agreement; and
    5. Security agreement.
  • A link to the Trademark E-Registration and E-Renewal online service can be accessed from within the Trademark E-Services.
  • New transaction types have been introduced online under the section of "Ownership & Representation", they can apply them to one or multiple files. The new request types will include:
    1. Change of name/address – the following sub-types apply:
      1. Change of name
      2. Change of address
      3. Change of name and address
    2. Transfer of ownership – the following sub-types apply:
      1. Change of title/assignment
      2. Amalgamation
      3. Merger
      4. Nunc pro tunc
    3. Security agreement – the following sub-types apply:
      1. Add
      2. Remove
      3. Amend
    4. License agreement – the following sub-types apply:
      1. Add
      2. Remove
      3. Amend
    5. Appointment of agent
    6. Revocation of agent
    7. Change of agent's "Attention to"
Release update – June 28, 2021, at 7:00 a.m. (EDT)

What's New?

Filing a new application –
Amend a previously filed application –

  • When submitting a request using an agent account, the text on agent screen has been updated to read "Individual Agent" or in the case of a firm submission "All Agents at this Firm";
  • A new mandatory field "Name of trademark agent submitting this correspondence" has been added to the "Appointment of a trademark agent" screen;
  • The information entered in the field for "Name of trademark agent submitting this correspondence" will appear on the review and confirm page and the submission form request sent to the Office; and
  • The text in the "Agent details" section of the submission form has been updated to read:
    • "The applicant appoints the individual agent or all the agents at the firm shown below as its trademark agent, as defined in the Trademarks Regulations."

Group Goods and Services (Nice) –
Send a General correspondence –

  • When submitting a request using an agent account, the text on "Submitted by an agent" screen has been updated to read "Individual Agent" or in the case of a firm submission "All Agents at this Firm".
  • A new mandatory field "Name of trademark agent submitting this correspondence" has been added to the "Submitted by an agent" screen.
  • The information entered in the field for "Name of trademark agent submitting this correspondence" will appear on the review and confirm page and the submission form request sent to the Office ; and
  • Text in the agent details section of the submission form has been updated to read:
    • "The applicant appoints the individual agent or all the agents at the firm shown below as its trademark agent, as defined in the Trademarks Regulations."
Release update – , at 8:30 a.m. (EDT)

What's Improved?

Send a General correspondence –

  • The Email confirmation of a transaction received at CIPO will be automatically sent when the transactions is received by the Office.
  • The following request types have been added:
    • Request for Transformation of an International Registration:
    • Request to Take Note of the Replacement of a National Registration:
    • Request for the Division of an International Registration (WIPO Form MM22):
    • Request for the Merger of an International Registration (WIPO Form MM24):
    • Response to a Letter of Remission:
  • The dropdown for request types will be dynamic based on the selected file. Once the file is retrieved via the search, only the request types applicable for that file status, type of mark, etc. will be displayed in the dropdown list of available request types.
  • A message indicating not to attach the fee payment form: "Only online payments are accepted through this site. Fee payment forms will not be processed."
Release update – January 12, 2021, at 8:30 a.m. (EST)

What's New?

Group Goods and Services (Nice)–

For a renewed trademark with an effective renewal date on or after , the client has the ability to pay for additional class(es) at renewal on the "Closing Details page".

The user will be prompted for the number of additional class(es) (between 1 and 44). The system will calculate the fee amount based on the number the user enters.

Release update – December 7, 2020, at 8:30 a.m. (EST)

What's Improved?

  • Adjustment of fees for trademark online requests - The online services now reflect periodic fee adjustments including displaying of fee amounts for services selected and payment processing.
  • Validation of fees when submitting cart transactions – The online cart now validates the transaction fee amounts pursuant to the annual fee adjustment.

The following messages will be displayed if the fee amounts have been adjusted since the item was included in the cart are:

  • When attempting payment: 
    • "Your transaction could not be completed as the fee amount required for one or more items has changed since they were first added to the cart. We invite you to review those items and proceed with the payment. For more information, or to find out the exact amount of a fee, please consult the list of fees available on CIPO's website."
  • In the cart:
    • "Please note that the fee amount required for one or more items has changed since they were first added to the cart. We invite you to review those items and proceed with the payment. For more information, or to find out the exact amount of a fee, please consult the list of fees available on CIPO's website."
Release update – November 5, 2020, at 8:30 a.m. (EST)

What's Improved?

Send a General correspondence

  • The informative text has been updated on the "Correspondence details" page.
Release update – July 30, 2020, at 8:30 a.m. (EDT)

What's New?

  • The "Attention To" field has a maximum limit of 40 characters.

What's Improved?

  • For each statement of goods or services, the system now permits a user to add a new priority claim, a claim copied from a list of priority claims previously entered claims on that application, or a combination of both.

What's Fixed?

  • If the applicant search is used, only the applicant's name and address will be populated;
  • The closing details page "Comments" field now permits paragraph format;
  • When selecting an application where a now invalid country code exists, the system will no longer return a Java error.

Group Goods or Services (NICE) –

  • The system no longer indicates a Java error on files where a Used in Canada or Made Known in Canada claim exists.
Release update – June 3, 2020, at 8:30 a.m. (EDT)

What's New?

A new electronic General Correspondence online service:

  • This new general correspondence service is available within the current eFiling system on the CIPO website and allows applicants, registered owners, and their agents, to send correspondence on a variety of trademark topics to the Office through the website, as an alternative to facsimile or postal mail.
  • A client will be able to submit the following types of correspondence to the Registrar electronically via this new online service:
    • Amendment to standard of a registered certification mark
    • Application to extend goods or services of a registration
    • Appointment or Revocation of agent
    • Cancellation or Withdrawal
    • Change of name or address
    • Correction to entry in the register
    • Merger of registrations resulting from a division
    • Division of an application
    • Extension of time
    • Geographical Indication response
    • License Agreement
    • Security Agreement
    • Seizure
    • Notification of 3rd party rights
    • Refund of a fee
    • Payment of a fee
    • Prohibited mark response
    • Transfer of Ownership

Important: This service is only available where CIPO does not already have a dedicated online service. Clients may not use this service to:

  • file a new trademark application;
  • amend a previously-filed trademark application;
  • file an application for International Registration;
  • pay the registration fee for a trademark which is pending registration;
  • renew a registration;
  • pay an adjusted renewal fee;
  • group goods or services according to the Nice Classification.
Release update – April 20, 2020, at 8:30 a.m. (EDT)

What's New?

  • A pop-up message will appear when input characters are not supported by the system.

Filing a new application
Amend a previously filed application –

  • A visual representation is mandatory when selecting a hologram mark;
  • The visual representation for a sound mark must be in black and white;
  • A pop-up message will appear informing you when a custom good or service statement exceeds 500,000 characters.

What's Improved?

  • On the closing details page the field "Additional information" has been renamed to "Comments" and moved from the end of the submission forms to the top.

What's Fixed?

Group Goods and Services (Nice)

  • The heading being displayed when there is a registration abroad claim;
  • If not all goods or services are classed, the checkbox acknowledgement must be selected in order proceed with adding the request to the cart;
  • Confirmation emails are sent to the email address of the requestor.

Filing a new application
Amend a previously filed application –

  • The validation of the priority date now accounts for prescribed days on which deadlines are extended;
  • The electronic representation file format type for a hologram mark or motion mark or a combination these two trademark types must be .mp4;
  • The electronic representation file format type for a sound mark must be .mp3.

Amend a previously filed application –

  • Confirmation emails are sent to the email address of the requestor;
  • The address for service in Canada no longer appears as "Updated" on the submission form when no changes have been made.
Release update – February 25, 2020, at 8:30 a.m. (EST)

What's Improved?

Filing a new application – Upon the submission of a new application via the eFiling system by a client, the following will occur automatically:

  • the payment receipt is stored in the client's history of transactions;
  • the application information is transferred into our internal database system;
  • the application status is immediately formalized; and
  • if the client has selected electronic as the mode of correspondence, the acknowledgement notice and client proof sheet are emailed within one business day (note: the confirmation email is no longer sent).
Release update – August 22, 2019, at 3:00 p.m. (EDT)

What's Improved?

  • Amend a previously filed application – The latest e-Revised application, which was filed prior to the coming into force date of , has been converted, so it is available for use in the e-Amend online application.

Trademark E-Registration and E-Renewal

There was a release implemented by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office:

Release update - , at 7:00 a.m. (EST)

What's Fixed?

Renewal of a trademark

  • When a trademark renewal request has been submitted, the renewal acknowledgement will only be sent to the agent, if there is one appointed. The certificate, registration page and an acknowledgment will be sent to the submitter. 
Release update – March 6, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. (EST)

What's Improved?

Registration –
Renewal –
Adjusted renewal fee –

  • On the "Electronic payment confirmation" screen a message indicating that all documents related to your transactions can be retrieved through the Trademark Documents Retrieval Service (TDRS) has been added.
  • All documents stored in the "Transaction History", with the exception of the payment receipts, have been removed as they will be available in the Trademark Documents Retrieval Service (TDRS).
Release update – June 11 2021 at 8:30 a.m. (EDT)

What's Fixed?

  • E-Renewal - In some cases, when renewing a Trademark online, the search results were displayed as "New TM" in the Trademark field instead of the actual Trademark or descriptive reference.
Release update – January 12, 2021, at 8:30 a.m. (EST)

What's Improved?

Adjusted Renewal Fee –

For a renewed trademark with an effective renewal date on or after , where an Adjusted Renewal Fee notice has not been sent, the client has the ability to pay for additional classes. Please note that:

  • if the Goods/Services have Nice Classes, the number of unique Nice classes (excluding the base class) will be used to establish the default number of classes for payment purposes. The client can choose to change the number of classes.
  • if not all the Goods/Services have Nice Classes, the client may enter the number of additional classes they wish to submit a payment for and the fee will be calculated based on this number of classes.
Release update – December 14, 2020, at 8:30 a.m. (EST)

What's Fixed?


  • Upon submission of a renewal by a third party via the e-Renewal service, the submission was completed on the e-Renewal service side but not transferred correctly to the Trademark internal system. The issue has now been fixed and all transactions have been transferred. Clients who have experienced the issue can expect to receive renewal related correspondence.
Release update – December 7, 2020, at 8:30 a.m. (EST)

What's Improved?

  • Adjustment of fees for trademark online requests -The online services now reflect periodic fee adjustments including displaying of fee amounts for services selected and payment processing.
  • Validation of fees when submitting cart transactions – The online cart now validates the transaction fee amounts pursuant to the annual fee adjustment.

The following messages will be displayed if the fee amounts have been adjusted since the item was included in the cart are:

  • When attempting payment: 
    • "Your transaction could not be completed as the fee amount required for one or more items has changed since they were first added to the cart. We invite you to review those items and proceed with the payment. For more information, or to find out the exact amount of a fee, please consult the list of fees available on CIPO's website."
  • In the cart:
    • "Please note that the fee amount required for one or more items has changed since they were first added to the cart. We invite you to review those items and proceed with the payment. For more information, or to find out the exact amount of a fee, please consult the list of fees available on CIPO's website."
Release update – November 9, 2020, at 8:30 a.m. (EDT)

What's Improved?

eRegistration –
eRenewal -

  • Modernized trademark renewal and registration certificates
Release update – October 29, 2020, at 8:30 a.m. (EDT)

What's Fixed?


  • Upon the submission of a renewal request by a third party via the e-Renewal service, the page was not displaying the navigation buttons permitting to "Save and add to cart" or to "Return to renewal search". The issue is now fixed.
Release update – July 30, 2020, at 8:30 a.m. (EDT)

What's Fixed?

eRegistration – A due date will appear for applications where the status is "Allowed", "Default-Allowed", "Registration Pending" and "Default-Registration Pending".

eRenewal –

  • A renewal transaction status will remain as "In Process" until all the documents are generated;
  • The text regarding partial renewal will only appear if a file is eligible for a partial renewal.
Release update – May 20, 2020, at 8:30 a.m. (EDT)

What's Fixed?

Adjusted Renewal Fee – The Adjusted Renewal Fee application is now taking into account the designated days, when validating the "Due Date" of the Adjusted Renewal Fee Notice. The system will adjust the "Due Date" in the event where the original "Due Date" is a day designated by the Registrar.

Release update – April 20, 2020, at 8:30 a.m. (EDT)

What's New?

  • eRenewal – Automated processing of renewals;
  • eRegistration – The system will verify if an application is part of a divisional family and if a registration fee required.

What's Improved?

  • eRenewal – Upon the submission of a renewal request via the eRenewal system by a client, the following will occur automatically:
    • the payment receipt is stored in the history of transactions;
    • if the request is for a partial renewal, the goods or services being renewed will be listed on the payment receipt;
    • the following documents will be emailed within one business day:
      • Renewal Acknowledgement;
      • Renewal Certificate;
      • Registration Page.
  • If a trademark agent submits a renewal request, additional emails can be provided in which to receive the acknowledgement. If additional emails are present a copy of the renewal acknowledgement being sent to the requestor will be sent to those other email addresses;
  • If a client who is not an agent submits the request, only one email address can be provided;
  • If the renewal requestor is not the owner nor the agent the following will apply, the renewal acknowledgement notice will be printed to be mailed:
    • for the agent, if present and they are not the requestor;
    • for the Owner if they are not the requestor.

Trademark Document Retrieval Service (TDRS)

There was a release implemented by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office on:

Release update – March 6, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. (EST)
  • This new service will permit online access to documents the Office has available within their system.

Canadian Trademarks Database

There was a release implemented by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office:

Release update – April 18, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. (EST)

The migration to the cloud infrastructure is completed.

What's New?

  • The website address has changed to:;
  • Migration to cloud resulting in increased stability and performance;
  • Introduction of default relevance sorting;
  • Introduction of "Current CIPO Status" search field”;
  • Search results page can now be exported as a .csv file.

What's Improved?

  • Formatting when saving as PDF;
  • Search engine behaviour for use of wild cards before search string;
  • Action date searches are now including more number of results compared to old database as it includes all removed actions;
  • Boolean operators now have to be entered in upper cases to work as operators. "But Not" has been reduced to "not".

What's Fixed?

  • Old owner name search to always include previous owner, as well as registrant or applicant names if not the current owners;
  • Trademark description search limited to description text only;
  • Action date "Inactivated" search option is now searching all inactivated codes;
  • Special character search will be more consistent;
  • Opposition cases will now show opponent names and agent names along with their addresses in the details page for active oppositions only.

Please note that the help section is currently being updated to reflect the various changes.

Release update (pilot) – March 13, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. (EST)

The web address of the pilot database is temporary. A new web address, different that the address of the current database, will be provided at the time of the completion of the migration.

Please note that the updated help section and tutorial will only be released at the completion of the migration.

What's New?

  • Migration to cloud resulting in increased stability and performance;
  • Introduction of default relevance sorting.

What's Improved?

  • Formatting when saving as PDF;
  • Search engine behaviour for use of wild cards before search string;
  • Action Date searches are now including more number of results compared to old database as it will include all removed actions;
  • Boolean operators now have to be entered in upper cases to work as operators. "But Not" has been reduced to "Not".

What's Fixed?

  • Old owner name search to always include previous owner, as well as registrant or applicant names if not the current owners;
  • Trademark description search limited to description text only;
  • Action date "Inactivated" search option is now searching all inactivated codes;
  • New look and feel for breadcrumbs to always include Canadian Intellectual Property Office > Canadian Trademarks Database;
  • Special character search will be more consistent;
  • Opposition cases will now show opponent names and agent names along with their addresses in the details page for active oppositions only.
Release update – March 6, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. (EST)

What's New?

  • A new link called "View Documents" has been added. This link will open the Trademark Documents Retrieval Service (TDRS).
Release update – February 10, 2021, 8:30 a.m. (EST)

What's New?

  • CIPO added common status descriptors to its online Canadian Trademarks Database, which are a set of icons cooperatively developed by the TM5, a framework through which five intellectual property offices namely, the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the Japan Patent Office (JPO), the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) exchange information on TM-related matters, and undertake cooperative projects for their mutual benefit, and for the interests of their respective TM filers and registrants.
  • These descriptions and icons create a more harmonized and user-friendly online search experience for trademark users around the world, indicating the status of the application or registration at CIPO
  • For more detailed information, see the Online Database glossary.
Release update – February 26, 2020, 7:00 a.m. (EST)

What's Improved?

  • Divisional application and original application relationships are now more accessible on both the trademark details page and the search results listing;
  • New header added in the trademark details page for geographical indications (GI) called "GI Translations".

What's Fixed?

  • Special character "<" permitted in the search.
Release update – August 08, 2019 7:00 a.m. (EDT)

What's Improved?

  • Wild Card Searches
  • Upper and Lower Case Searches
  • International Searches

What's Fixed?

  • Grid View
  • Section 9 Mapping
  • Search Spinning Wheel
  • Disclaimer Location

Create and update an agent account for correspondence

There was a release implemented by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office:

Release update – August 8, 2022 at 8:30 a.m. (EDT)

What's New?

  • Canadian trademark agent accounts can now be updated in real-time via this online service.
  • In preparation for the Trademarks Office and Trademarks Opposition Board to begin corresponding with external clients electronically in the fall of 2022. You can now proactively confirm if your preferred method of correspondence will be mail or email. The selected method will be used by the Trademarks Office and Trademarks Opposition Board to send all Trademark correspondence for which you are appointed as the agent of record.
Release update – June 28, 2021 at 7:00 a.m. (EDT)

What's New?

This new online service has been launched for the purpose of creating a Trademark agent account for the purpose of  corresponding with the Registrar of Trademarks.

Enter a new name on the List of Trademark Agents

There was a release implemented by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office:

Release update – June 28, 2021 at 7:00 a.m. (EDT)

This online service has been decommissioned due to the coming into force of the College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents.

Annual Renewal of a Trademark Agent

There was a release implemented by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office:

Release update – June 28, 2021 at 7:00 a.m. (EDT)

This online service has been decommissioned due to the coming into force of the College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents.

More updates

Release update – June 17, 2019

Transition to Standard ST.96

Transition to Standard ST.96As of , the Trademarks Branch will adopt the World Intellectual Property Organization's recommended data Standard ST.96, the XML (eXtensible Markup Language) for the purpose of filing, publishing, processing, and exchanging of information. As well, the ST.96 Standard will be the only accepted format for the purpose of uploading a previously saved application as a new application and the HTML structure will no longer be supported.

To facilitate the adoption of the XML format, CIPO will put in place a HTML to XML format converter. This tool will be available from here as of .

Mapping documents

For your convenience, we are providing you with the mapping documents relating to Standard ST.96.

Please note that these files are provided as is and cannot be provided in an accessible format due to the nature of the content. For assistance, please contact our Client Service Centre.