Call to action: Canadian manufacturers needed to help combat COVID-19

If you are a Canadian manufacturer or business that can assist Canada in meeting the need for medical supplies, your help is needed.

Please refer to the product specifications and requirements for Canada’s medical supply needs.

* indicates mandatory fields

ItemCurrent Availability
(Units/Per week)
Future Availability
(Units/Per week)
ItemCurrent Availability
(Units/Per week)
Future Availability
(Units/Per week)
ItemCurrent Availability
(Units/Per week)
Future Availability
(Units/Per week)
ItemCurrent Availability
(Units/Per week)
Future Availability
(Units/Per week)
ItemCurrent Availability
Units (Litre)/Per week
Future Availability
Units (Litre)/Per week

Start date for:

By submitting this form, I give permission to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, on behalf of the company, to share the company name, contact information and capabilities listed in this form for the purposes of completing this work and for further analysis, with:

  • Other companies/organizations for potential collaboration opportunities
  • Other federal departments and/or Provincial government(s)
  • Federal Crown corporations.

I also give permission, on behalf of the company, to post the company name, product and contact information online.