Renewed Venture Capital Catalyst Initiative Selection Committee
In May 2022, the Government of Canada released a Notice of Opportunity inviting qualified industry professionals to apply to serve on the Selection Committees for one or more streams of the renewed Venture Capital Catalyst Initiative (VCCI). Following the open call for applications, candidates were evaluated based on a variety of criteria, including education and experience, knowledge, skills and abilities, personal attributes, and diversity of perspectives and expertise.
Selection Committees under VCCI provide a rigorous assessment, advice and recommendations on the selection of recipients under the program. Members of the Committee act on a part-time, volunteer basis.
To evaluate proposals for the funds-of-funds stream, a five-person Selection Committee was established. The members include:
- Serra Erdogmus (Chair): Institutional investor at the Canadian Medical Protective Association
- Gilles Duruflé: Independent consultant, venture capital and private equity
- Laura Kilcrease: CEO of Alberta Innovates
- Elmer Kim: Chief Investment Officer, Hyatt Family Office
- Stephen Ibaraki: Chairman Board and Managing General Partner, REDDS Capital
Life Sciences
To evaluate proposals for the life sciences stream, a four-person Selection Committee was established. The members include:
- Gilles Duruflé (Chair): Independent venture capital and private equity consultant
- Brian Bloom: Chairman & CEO, Bloom Burton & Co.
- Daniel Wattier: Biotech Entrepreneur
- Rebecca Yu: VP and General Manager, Biopharma Operations, McKesson Canada
Inclusive Growth
Proposals for the inclusive growth stream were evaluated over two separate intakes, each by a six person Selection Committee.
The members of the Selection Committee for the first intake of the inclusive growth stream include:
- Serra Erdogmus (Chair): Senior Portfolio Manager, Private Assets
- Pelra Azondekon: Managing Director of asterX and Director of Corporate VC, Quebecor
- Laura Kilcrease: CEO of Alberta Innovates
- Anya Klimbovskaia: COO and co-founder of Diversio
- Stephen Ibaraki: Chairman Board and Managing General Partner, REDDS Capital
- Dawn Umlah: Founder Growth Strategist and Company Builder
The members of the Selection Committee for the second intake of the inclusive growth stream include:
- Serra Erdogmus (Chair): Senior Portfolio Manager, Private Assets
- Pelra Azondekon: Managing Director of asterX and Director of Corporate VC, Quebecor
- Johanna Brown: Principal Technology Sales Strategist & Founder, Rivet
- Laura Kilcrease: CEO of Alberta Innovates
- Anya Klimbovskaia: COO and co-founder of Diversio
- Stephen Ibaraki: Chairman Board and Managing General Partner, REDDS Capital
Venture Capital Catalyst Initiative 2017 Selection Committee
The selection of recipients under the original VCCI used a rigorous assessment and selection process informed by the advice and recommendations provided by the VCCI Selection Committee. Following the open call for applications, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) established the five-member Selection Committee, comprised of individuals with diverse expertise, backgrounds (venture capital investors and managers, entrepreneurs and start-up support specialists), regions and perspectives.
Streams 1 and 2
The selection committee that evaluated submissions under VCCI Streams 1 and 2 was co-chaired by Gilles Duruflé and Serra Erdogmus. The members were:
- Gilles Duruflé (Co-Chair): Independent consultant, venture capital and private equity
- Serra Erdogmus (Co-Chair): Institutional investor at the Canadian Medical Protective Association
- Catherine Lacavera: Technology acquisition and intellectual property specialist
- Bill Tam: Start-up support specialist
- Rebecca Yu: Start-up support and life sciences specialist
Stream 3
For Stream 3, membership of the Selection Committee was adjusted to reflect additional expertise in the clean technology sector. The members of the Committee were:
- David Bookbinder: Growth equity investor and clean technology specialist
- Gilles Duruflé: Independent consultant, venture capital and private equity
- Serra Erdogmus: Institutional investor at the Canadian Medical Protective Association
- Catherine Lacavera: Technology acquisition and intellectual property specialist
- Mike Walkinshaw: Venture capital investor, entrepreneur and clean technology specialist
For each stream, the Selection Committee recommended applicants based on the evaluation of the relative scores of their application, the impact they would have on the Canadian venture capital ecosystem, and the role each would have in meeting the objectives of VCCI.
Members of the Committee acted on a part-time, volunteer basis.